Problem ICEauthority Startup on Gnome

i have a problem with gnome FreeBSD ....
before entering into the login window [GDM ]....

error message

Could not update. ICEauthority files / existent /. ICEauthority

How to fix this the problem?
Shouldn't that read /nonexistent/.ICEauthority?

Can you show us the GECOS fields of that account? It looks like the home directory isn't set properly.

Please don't double post.

If you happen to post in the wrong category a mod will move it for you. No need to post the same question again.
There's no /nonexistent directory on my system. How do I tell gnome-session to look for /root/.ICEauthority (that exists).

I'm also getting,

There is a problem with the configuration server 
(/usr/local/libexec/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)