Prefix ain't working after while

I have solved one of my latest threads (started today).
When i started it, i could add solved prefix.... now after few hours, i can't, but i can still edit post.

I think it's a bug....
so, when you click edit and then go to advanced edit mode, you don't see an option to add a [solved] prefix?
so you don't see this?


  • edit-prefix.jpg
    19.5 KB · Views: 315
nope, i see only this (triple checked):

I don't even see it for this thread which was made after i noticed that prefix was added
i only remember seeing prefix when i was creating thread [and maybe some little time when editing]
ok, I probably have found the source of the problem, will update you once that will be resolved.
This problem should be now worked around. I hope we will be able to fix this problem "cleanly" in the future vBulletin releases...
Yup, it works.
I won'tmake this thread solved as it's not "cleanly" fixed, however i will make my other SOLVED :D
