portsnap fetch extract

Does using the command # portsnap fetch extract use lots of memory?

I tried twice on a 700mhzDruon with 398mb RAM and the first time it just, froze at
verifing package intregrity.....

The second time it gave an error about not enough memory in one of the files.
When you say "it froze", how long did you actually wait? There are over 20,000 files to be checksummed during [cmd=]portsnap extract[/cmd]. This takes a fair amount of time even on a well-equipped piece of hardware. Most of it is in RAM, so you won't see much activity. It may take hours on very modest hardware. But it should finish somewhere in your lifetime.
I waited about 2 hours. The secound time I tried it it gave an error about

lib***.h: out of memory
Thanks for your information

When you say "it froze", how long did you actually wait? There are over 20,000 files to be checksummed during portsnap extract. This takes a fair amount of time even on a well-equipped piece of hardware. Most of it is in RAM, so you won't see much activity. It may take hours on very modest hardware. But it should finish somewhere in your lifetime.

This answers my question. Memory is suspect, I dug it out of some old machines.