Portsnap Dirctory Path

Hello All,

I have some questions about FreeBSD, I tried to google it but didnt get my answer, and I hope to find answers here.

Question 1:
I have downloaded the Portsnap using this command:
# portsnap fetch

I wanted to make a copy of this file using FTP and and i noticed the progress of file size

After download is done i didnt find this file, was about 67MB. so is there any way to get it back or to make copy of it instead of downloading it everytime.

I face the same with ports too, where to find the downloaded files?

Why it download from internet while I have the FreeBSD 7.2 DVD?

Question 2:
How to disconnect from internet after downloading?

Question 3:
What is the maximum size of RAM which can I use with my FreeBSD? Is it 4GB?

My FreeBSD info:
FreeBSD BeWithMe.com 7.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE i386

Thanks in advance,
DejaVu said:
Why it download from internet while I have the FreeBSD 7.2 DVD?
Because the files on there started getting old just after 7.2 was released.

What is the maximum size of RAM which can I use with my FreeBSD? Is it 4GB?
FreeBSD-i386 can only address a little under 4GB. With things like PAE you can expand that but applications need to be PAE aware to make use of it. Not sure what the max is on FreeBSD-amd64, most likely something like 16EB (that's exabyte).
killasmurf86 said:
What you downloaded was archived content of /var/db/portsnap
Portsnap works with incremental "snapshots" of ports tree.
But this achive not exist now! is there any way to save this archive instead of downloading it many times daily?
I install FreeBSD about 1 - 3 times every day.. while i'm new to FreeBSD i try to discover it but i cant download 67MB for each install, and i want it the latest ports :)
The ports tarball is always in 'a transient state', it's extracted immediately after download (portsnap fetch), if it is downloaded at all (/var/db/portsnap/tag must not exist or contain a value), and its unique name (a long hashed value) depends on when it is downloaded . Even if you manage to capture it, its name may not be valid by the time it arrives on a different machine because a number of other files (snapshot tag, snapshot metadata) get updated at the same time. So, as the Dutch say, it's like nailing a fart to a plank. Picking up /var/db/portsnap/ as a coherent whole will probably work just fine.
DejaVu said:
I install FreeBSD about 1 - 3 times every day.. while i'm new to FreeBSD i try to discover it but i cant download 67MB for each install, and i want it the latest ports :)
Set up a server that NFS exports it's /usr/ports/. Then mount it on whatever system you need.

Tip: build packages so you don't have to constantly build things from source.
killasmurf86 said:
What prevents you from storing backup of /var/db/portsnap on usb flash?

maybe because copying 1 archive file with size 67MB is better and much easier and faster than copy a dirctory consist of 22708 files! even with compression for "portsnap".

DutchDaemon said:
- it's extracted immediately after download.
- its unique name (a long hashed value) depends on when it is downloaded.
- Even if you manage to capture it, its name may not be valid by the time it arrives on a different machine
this is exactly what happened. and i will use the current portsnap directory in the next FreeBSD installation.

SirDice said:
Set up a server that NFS exports it's /usr/ports/. Then mount it on whatever system you need.
great idea, i need to try this method.

Just 1 question left:
DejaVu said:
Question 2:
How to disconnect from internet?
is it possible to do this? so i force FreeBSD to fectch from the the DVD?

in the end I want to Thank you all..
Merry Christmas