portsnap being retired - what's the alternative?

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In short: to be driven by a mindset as open as its sources.
This implies that it finds the justification of its existence outside of itself.

The same as the other members of the BSD family (and as Illumos): each of them is a cocoon and touching any single thread of it, even to make it more comfy or look nicer, is considered a vital risk by its inhabitants. They just want it to stay the same until they die, full stop.

This explains the Git story. On one hand, the CT says they decided to migrate to Git to attract new developers, but on the other hand, as it is complete nonsense, everybody in the FreeBSD community understands this will not happen, so everybody feels safe, nothing is at risk of the slightest change.

The only problem with this is for outsiders: they come in, find great things here and less great ones, they'd like to contribute and they discover they've been deceived by an insincere discourse.

Being familiar with systemics, I understand the situation and feel no resentment, but I've already noticed that some people feel quite sad and bitter about it.
I do question their use of the term 'community'. I don't think it's inclusive of users, certainly given what was written in the foundation's web page. However, they also mention community in the context of that useless, feel-good, survey they've put out the last few years; which involves users.
I believe core & the foundation have one main goal, the advancement of their benefactor's goals. To that end smaller/individual financial contributors are contributing to that goal, not one they be more concerned about like wifi, device support, sleep/resume support and so on. In short, I'd like to see targetted donations; but that's in my idealised fantasy world... :p
That's how you get banned.
I only created the account to work on ports and that was a joke itself. I wouldn't recommend anyone work on ports, or work on this dying operating system. Everything is built for Windows, Mac, and Linux. BSD will be relegated to fanboys, just like those continuing to run Solaris via Illumos. There isn't any future with BSD.

And I've already deleted all posts and asked for them to delete my account.
In no way I see FreeBSD is dying. It will be more Linux like, though. Because of the migrants from Linux. The fact is it's the only real alternative OS to Linux now. It will not go anywhere soon.
In no way I see FreeBSD is dying. It will be more Linux like, though. Because of the migrants from Linux. The fact is it's the only real alternative OS to Linux now. It will not go anywhere soon.

In some ways the GPL -> BSD license makes this difficult (i.e LibreOffice could suck OpenOffice dry but not vice-versa). However I do agree with you. I do hope FreeBSD retains the good parts though. There are migrants from Linux for a reason!
And I've already deleted all posts and asked for them to delete my account.

You are not obliged to log in if you don't like it here. However, please refrain from deleting posts. There is nothing more annoying than seeing the rest of discussion out of context. I might have to ask the forum admins to restore that shit from backup even.
Windows to FreeBSD: immigrants
Linux to FreeBSD: refugees
Apple to FreeBSD: illegal aliens
And faithful FreeBSD users: dreamers
EDIT: Just in case (most will get it, some may not): In the US, the children of illegal immigrants are commonly called dreamers.
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Apple to FreeBSD: illegal aliens

This one is so true. There is definitely a "type" of macOS user who has incorrectly arrived at the conclusion that FreeBSD is the underlying OS behind macOS and that the coolest thing in the world would be to bolt on a load of Apple technology to recreate macOS because that is "perfection".

And the most annoying thing about them is that they truly believe that their OS is the best and that they are so smug. Do they really think that the only reason we use FreeBSD is simply because we cannot afford a Macbook? Heck, I have 3 of the gross things in storage as test machines.

Anyway, I am taking this very far off-topic. Ignore my rambling XD
I've already deleted all posts and asked for them to delete my account.
That is a shame. I don't want you to leave. This is exactly why discussing politics never ends well.
I did not want to offend you but you started spewing some very venomous rhetoric.
Believe me I wholeheartedly agree with the First Amendment and the right to free speech.
Heck I took an oath when I joined the Navy to protect and defend the constitution.
But a civilization without rules is anarchy.
You can't yell fire in a crowded theater and discussing politics here never ends well.
A passing comment is one thing but you went over the line.

Maybe you should be blaming the originating country for the Wuhan virus.
I was saying, when someone lashes out like that, that's what typically happens on any online community.

That aside.

The virus is China's fault, it either came from a Chinese lab, or it came from the Chinese exotic food market from eating bats. Diseases emerge from coincidentally with destruction of rainforests, in this case, where those bats were from.

China messed up the most in its response, but they hardly care anyway. They only care about their economic power and that their reputation doesn't harm them too much.

That being said, Trump dropped the ball by not listening to his advisors. The source of that problem isn't his fault, but he messed up on his duty. He put too much importance of having a good show of the economy when there was a pandemic that required a lock down, which for other circumstances would be fine. It's not like Obama listened to his advisors either. It's negligence. They continually have warned these two about different things, and they haven't listened. They're both jokes.
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And faithful FreeBSD users: dreamers
EDIT: Just in case (most will get it, some may not): In the US, the children of illegal immigrants are commonly called dreamers.
This is a reference to the DREAM act that died in congress. Obama later created a similar protection for the undocumented minor children of undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as small children. He accomplished this using an executive order called "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" or DACA. The constitutionality of this order is hotly debated.

Any child of an immigrant born on US soil is called a "citizen", regardless of the immigration status of the parents. For now, anyway.
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