Porting a wifi driver from OpenBSD – AR9170

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I told myself a long, long time ago that I really don't want to be working on USB wireless. It's not that I dislike USB or wireless; it's just that the hoops required to get it all working in a stable way is quite a bit to keep in your mind. But, I decided recently that it's about time I learnt how it worked and I was very sad that we still didn't have any working USB Wi-Fi devices that also operated with 802.11n.

So, I picked a NIC and dove in.

I picked if_rsu(4) - it's the RTL8188SU / RTL8192SU series hardware from Realtek. It turned out I chose reasonably well.

First off - it's a "fullmac" device - meaning that outside of a handful of things, the device firmware offloads a lot of the 802.11 complications. The driver does hardware initialisation and the wireless stack speaks WPA/WPA2/etc for negotiating encryption, but the hardware handles scanning, authentication, 802.11n aggregation negotiation and most management frame work.

Secondly - it's ported from OpenBSD. The OpenBSD folk do a good job of getting drivers up and running, but there tend to be some sharp edges and the 802.11n bits just don't work.

So, besides currently doing encryption in software, the rsu(4) driver behaves rather well. I'll write a separate article about that. This article is about the AR9170, or otus(4) driver in FreeBSD/OpenBSD parlance.

Now, the AR9170 is a ZyDAS device with an Atheros 802.11n PHY and radio. It's quite a hybrid beast. It's also buggy - there are issues with QoS frames and 802.11n aggregation that make it impossible to behave well. So, for now I'm treating it like a 11abg device and I'll worry about 802.11n when someone gives me patches to make it work.

The OpenBSD driver is based on the initial otus driver that Atheros provided to the Linux developers circa 2009. The firmware blob is closed and very old - the ar9170fw project is still out there on the internet (and I have a mirror at https://github.com/erikarn/ar9170-fw) but I can't get it to build on a recent FreeBSD install so a firmware update will take time. But, it does seem to work.

There are a few pieces to think about when porting a USB driver. The biggest piece is that it's not memory-mapped IO or IO port based - everything is a message. There are USB device control commands you can send which will sleep until they're done, but the majority of stuff is done using bulk transmit and receive endpoints and that's all conveniently asynchronous. But it complicates things in the driver world.

Memory-mapped and IO port drivers treat device IO as this magical "I do it, then the next instruction executes when it's done" mostly serialized paradigm. It's a lie, of course - the intel x86 CPUs will pretend things are occurring in a specific order, but a lot of platforms require you to mark memory as uncached or use memory / cache flush operations to ensure things go out to the device in any particularly controlled manner. But USB doesn't - outside of USB control transfers, USB devices tend to look like remote network devices and this includes register accesses. Now, the RTL8188SU driver (rsu(4)) implements the firmware upload and register accesses using control transfers, so it's all pretty easy to get the driver initialization and attaching working before you care about the asynchronous parts. But the AR9170 driver implements register accesses as firmware commands - and so I have to get a lot more of the stack up and working first.

So, here's what I did.

First up - I commented out almost all of the device driver, and focused on getting the probe, attach and detach methods working. That wasn't too hard. But yes, almost all the code was commented out.

Next up was firmware loading. This was done using control transfers, so I didn't have to worry about implementing the bulk transmit and receive endpoint handling. I had to convert the firmware load path to the FreeBSD firmware API rather than the OpenBSD API, but that was mostly trivial.

Then I realized I wasn't doing any driver locking - so yes, I ensured I did the bare minimum of driver locking required to stop the kernel panicking. OpenBSD doesn't use locks, they use old style BSD spl() levels.

Next up was command transmit and receive. Now, I needed to setup the USB endpoints - which FreeBSD makes really easy to do using a structure to define what endpoints are what. It was pretty clean. The complicated bit is the bulk callback - it handles transfer statuses and transfer initiation. This is the bit that took me a little time to wrap my head around.

The USB stuff handles things in-sequence. Everything going to an endpoint here gets handled in the sequence you queue it. It also will process the bulk callback in a single worker thread taskqueue, rather than the driver author having to worry about creating their own worker threads. So, this is what you end up doing:
  • The bulk callback has three states: USB_ST_TRANSFERRED, USB_ST_SETUP, and everything else (error).
  • USB_ST_TRANSFERRED says "I've finished a transfer".
  • USB_ST_SETUP says "I've been asked to initiate a transfer."
  • Any driver thread starts a transmit by calling usbd_transfer_start() on the usb_xfer struct, which will kick off a call into the bulk callback with USB_ST_SETUP.
  • So, the driver has to maintain its own queues of "pending", "active" and "waiting" transactions. "pending" is the queue to put outbound transmit messages on. "active" is the queue you put messages that you've submitted when USB_ST_SETUP is called. When USB_ST_TRANSFERRED or an error is called, you pop off the top entry from "active" and you finish with it, then you fall through to USB_ST_SETUP to start a new transfer.
It's a little complicated because you have to maintain your own submission queues in/out of the USB stack, but in practice it's just a linked list.

So, I stole the framework from rsu(4) for buffer management, transmit submission and completion. It submitted things fine. I also registered buffers for receive, and... nothing happened. I would send a PING message to the firmware to see if it was awake, and I'd get nothing from the receive pipe.

Then I remembered an interesting bug from when I tried this in 2012 - the AR9170 firmware required the IRQ endpoint to be setup, even though no interrupt messages were ever posted. So, I set the endpoint up, started reception on it... and now I started to see receive messages. My PING messages were being PONG'ed.

But here's the first complication - although everything is asynchronous here, a lot of places want to send a command and wait for a response. For the PING command it's waiting for a matching PONG response. For setting frequency, starting calibration, etc, you get back interesting status from the firmware. But for things like register read commands, you have to wait until you get the register value back before you can continue. We need to be able to put the caller to sleep until the response comes back, or some timeout occurs.

So, cmd_otus() submits a transfer buffer and then will msleep() on it for up to a second, waiting for a response. When a command is transmitted, a couple of things can occur:
  • Once the transfer succeeds, if the command needs no response then we just send a wakeup to notify the sender that we've sent it, and we free the buffer.
  • If the transfer succeeds but the command needs a response, then we put it on the "waiting" queue.
Then in the receive path we pull out firmware notifications and if they're responses we copy the response into the callers provided buffer, call wakeup() to wake up the caller, and free the buffer.

OpenBSD cheats - it only has one single outstanding command buffer for all threads to use.

The tricky, unimplemented bit here is error handling - if I yank out a NIC during active commands then the driver will sleep for a second, wakeup with an error and pass an error back. But, the rest of the driver doesn't know anything was sleeping, so state gets freed from underneath it. I need to go and add what OpenBSD does - refcount when the driver is entered from say, the transmit and ioctl paths, and then upon detach just wait for pending things to finish before freeing.

OK, so that got command transmit/receive and sleep/wake notification working okay. Next up is packet reception and basic initialization. That was mostly the same - the same hardware bits are needed, the same 802.11 packet format is needed for the stack. The main differences here were in the OpenBSD versus FreeBSD net80211 interface layout - FreeBSD has vaps (virtual access points, etc.) but OpenBSD does not. It's still pre-vap work, so there's only one interface. This required a little bit of splitting to put the vap bits in vap routines, and driver bits in the driver. The notable exceptions are vap_create, vap_destroy and newstate.

Next up was realizing OpenBSD is also still driving 802.11 state from the driver, not from the net80211 stack. FreeBSD drives the state changes and tells the driver what to do. That required me undoing some manual state transitions (e.g. otus_init() setting the state to SCAN or RUN depending upon the interface mode) and just letting net80211 do it.

So, net80211 created a vap, called otus_init(), then brought up the interface, set the initial vap state to SCAN via a call to newstate and started changing channels. This worked fine. I had some locking concerns - check the driver to see what I did. It was pretty straightforward.

And then yes - because the receive path was pretty simple and I got straight 802.11 frames back, yes, I started seeing beacons in a tcpdump session. This was great.

Then I ripped up a bunch of callback code that isn't needed. A few years ago FreeBSD's USB drivers maintained their own taskqueue to defer things like crypto key setting, state changes and such. Now net80211 has a per-device taskqueue that it runs these things on, and a lot of the driver calls are done as deferred tasks. OpenBSD doesn't have this so the drivers create their own deferred task and async callback framework to schedule these. It's duplicated work and I removed all of that from the driver.

Next up is transmit. This is trickier for a few reasons.

First, FreeBSD doesn't use if_start() anymore, with network stack provided queues. I have to maintain my own queue and free net80211 node references as appropriate. It took a while to craft up a correctly behaving transmit side when I fixed rsu(4), so I just stole it for the AR9170. I'll describe that in a subsequent article about rsu.

FreeBSD's net80211 stack handles 802.11 encapsulation itself; we're not handed Ethernet frames unless we ask for them. So, I don't call ieee80211_encap(). Yes, I do call for software encryption as required, and that was done.

The biggest sticking point is the rate control. FreeBSD's net80211 stack has a reasonable implementation of transmit rate control modules and it's per vap and per associated node. I don't have to do anything too manual for it. OpenBSD did a bunch of manual work to do the AMRR setup/teardown/updating, so I had to rip it out and call the ratectl init/destroy methods in the vap create/destroy methods.

Next up was what ni->ni_txrate represented. In OpenBSD it seems like an index into the rate control table. In FreeBSD it's the 802.11 rate to use! So, I ripped out a bunch of rate table stuff in the driver and replaced it with a couple of mapping functions to go 802.11 rate to AR9170 hardware rate. That worked like a charm, and transmit works fine.

The last annoying thing with transmit is how the firmware tells us about failed frames. We don't get a completion message upon each frame - the later firmware does this, but the original blob doesn't. We only get told upon retries and errors. So, I hacked up something where the transmit path counts outbound packets, the RX command path counts retries/errors, and each time I transmit a packet I update net80211 with the transmit/retry/error counts. This works pretty well.

Finally - teardown. The correct order for teardown is:
  • Shut down the MAC - e.g. disable TX/RX DMA, etc.
  • Disable the USB transfers, wait until they're done.
  • Free the transmit/receive buffers and any net80211 node references they may have; and
  • then call ieee80211_ifdetach() to ensure vaps and the top level interface is destroyed.
The initial port called ieee80211_ifdetach() too early and the subsequent node references would refer to now-freed nodes and vaps, causing lots of hilarity.

And that's that. I haven't made 802.11n work; I haven't fixed up the radiotap support so received 802.11 packets in tcpdump actually provide the right rate/channel/etc. That's all details that I'll do when I feel like it. But, the driver is stable, there aren't any lock ordering issues that I've seen so far, and it actually behaves remarkably well.


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