Poettering announces tool in new systemd version to replace sudo

Yes, you are wrong. To prove my point I am linking to Poettering's blog, where he in April 2010 in his blog post "Rethinking PID 1" described the motivation behind systemd. Link is: https://0pointer.net/blog/projects/systemd.html

To quote him:

As mentioned, the central responsibility of an init system is to bring up userspace. And a good init system does that fast. Unfortunately, the traditional SysV init system was not particularly fast.​
For a fast and efficient boot-up two things are crucial:​
  • To start less.
  • And to start more in parallel.
And on the topic of hardware:

Modern systems (especially general purpose OS) are highly dynamic in their configuration and use: they are mobile, different applications are started and stopped, different hardware added and removed again. An init system that is responsible for maintaining services needs to listen to hardware and software changes. It needs to dynamically start (and sometimes stop) services as they are needed to run a program or enable some hardware.​

wow, I dont know that
"Rethinking PID 1"
, that words are like a omen to whats is doing today
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… such that the head barely has to move. …

Comparable benefits with L2ARC on faster media.

I haven't dug for a definite explanation, but I assume that things are improved upstream, in that it's now very rare for L2ARC to go cold here (as it did on Wednesday evening, pictured). When it goes so cold, I really feel the drag of the HDD.

Whether OpenZFS 2.2.4 in releng/14.1 has this perceived improvement, I don't know, I'm on CURRENT.

root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # zfs --version
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # uname -KU
1500018 1500018
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ #


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The problem we have as BSD users is that systemd and wider corporate involvement in FOSS is leaving us with less and less choices as time goes on and many projects move towards systemd dependence and becoming more Linux centric. While the project will hopefully never adopt or implement something like systemd, we're not immune to the "collateral" damage caused to wider free software. Indeed Poettering actively encouraged developers to disregard systems he believes to be irrelevant, such as the BSDs, forget portability and focus on Linux only.
I'm more optimistic than that. Systemd did not see wide adoption in resource-constrained systems, and the rise of IoT made these more relevant. I think the phony Systemd hype has peaked and there's a good chance it will be relegated to obsolescence in the perhaps not-so-near future.

Poettering going to Microsoft certainly damped enthusiasm for it. Continued hilarity like his trivially hackable sudo replacement are only helping.

Yeah, he infamously referred to the BSDs as "niche kernels", exposing his ignorance for all to see.
I'm more optimistic than that. Systemd did not see wide adoption in resource-constrained systems, and the rise of IoT made these more relevant. I think the phony Systemd hype has peaked and there's a good chance it will be relegated to obsolescence in the perhaps not-so-near future.

Poettering going to Microsoft certainly damped enthusiasm for it. Continued hilarity like his trivially hackable sudo replacement are only helping.

Yeah, he infamously referred to the BSDs as "niche kernels", exposing his ignorance for all to see.
I'm afraid you are a little bit too optimistic. Not because your reasoning is wrong, but because most people in the GNU/Linux ecosystem just don't care about any of that. A high percentage of them either don't know what an init system is, or they know but they don't care if it's also an intrusive crapware or not. I have seen plenty of GNU/Linux users who run Linux because it's "cool" and different - this includes several youtubers. Others use specific distributions for very specific tasks, and they just don't care even what exactly GNU or Linux is.

As for that... person calling BSDs "niche kernels", well, that's typical, what else would you expect? He said much worse than that. And you know what's the main "argument" systemd fanboys use? It's not parallelism or anything, it's just "adopt systemd or else". I heard ironic nonsense like "you don't like systemd? I guess you are using a PDP-11". You just can't argue with morons, it makes no sense at all.
I think the phony Systemd hype has peaked and there's a good chance it will be relegated to obsolescence in the perhaps not-so-near future.
You know what that means? Someone will come around and invent a new wheel. Instead of four sides it will have three, saving 1/4th of the jolts on the ride. But let's hope they come around and see the light.
I'm afraid you are a little bit too optimistic. Not because your reasoning is wrong, but because most people in the GNU/Linux ecosystem just don't care about any of that. A high percentage of them either don't know what an init system is, or they know but they don't care if it's also an intrusive crapware or not. I have seen plenty of GNU/Linux users who run Linux because it's "cool" and different - this includes several youtubers. Others use specific distributions for very specific tasks, and they just don't care even what exactly GNU or Linux is.
The real tragedy of systemd (yes, that's a jab at Benno Rice) is that it exposed a shocking level of indifference that even veteran software engineers have towards the inner workings of the very OS's in which they have chosen to work. Several software engineers with whom I have worked with for almost 20 years possess such levels of apathy that is is quite disheartening and rather scary given the industries we built products for. These are very skilled and experienced guys who write low-level code for such things as high-speed data acquisition and image-processing devices, and yet they simply don't care about the underlying OS, and, in turn, make my job more difficult because of that willful ignorance.
I never used sudo only su and then i exit when I don't need privileges anymore.
So for me no need for sudo.
Same here:
su -m
sudo seems hard to configure if you don't set it up during installation. I just need a way to set the title when I `su` so that I can have Hyprland change the border color... so I don't forget.