Please FreeBSD Forum without Accept Cookies?

Spartrekus I'm very tired of every post you make relating everything back to the NSA.

Just because a web site uses cookies does not mean they are trying to invade privacy or find out about your sex life. Such means are very helpful for marketing, just like every commerce company has done for time immemorial, or for usability; such as keeping you logged in or your favorite site settings, etc. Of the I don't know how many web sites and companies I've worked with over the years, not one of them ever requested personal data on anyone beyond making their site perform better or providing product placement to match your previous interests.

Like most things on the internet today, it's mostly fake news to draw viewers in and pure nonsense. There is no little man sitting in a room somewhere watching as you type on your keyboard.
Of all the websites I visit this one ranks at the bottom behind mine on the list of sites I deem to be of potential risk, and I'm not afraid to login places when there are warnings of malware being downloaded. I know how to set my browser so it's not an issue. I never see the ads people keep talking about and nothing is slow about my desktops or the Internet. I make the decisions on what it and is not allowed my end. If there is a banner I don't see it.

In the forums, I enable scripting for only, and bootstrap.cdn aren't needed for full forum functionality in posting messages. I show a total of 3 cookies set for If I keep the Eclipsed Moon Palemoon extension enabled it logs me out every time I switch pages, so I disable it after changing my UserAgent string. There's nothing untoward going on here for a forum or I'd probably know about it. If you trust using their OS but not their forum it's time to re-evaluate your priorities and browser config. It is, after all, a professional site run by the same group of people. Look to your ISP if you think someone is interested in what you're doing online.

Email addresses used here are a matter of record somewhere, DutchDaemon was kind enough to reference mine after I lost my password so I could get back after proving who I was by submission of retina scan to match that on file. Not long ago someone was saying they thought the database had been hacked because they were getting spam, not that using that email addy elsewhere possibly had anything to do with it or anyone else got spammed.

My website is hosted in Sofia, Bulgaria and I haven't heard a word from my host about regs. I don't use cookies but my W3C buttons show as trackers on Netcraft. Webalizer will show me the most visited pages and other stats. It's of limited interests and not something I closely track since everything is free, other than to notice rufwoof's screenshots get a lot of hits. :p I got HTTPS to satiate Google. Untill I hear differently that's all I'm planning to do and didn't see the need for that.