play blu-ray from directory


I am using FreeBSD 7.2 and I would like to know if there is a way to play a Blu-ray disc from directory on the hard disk?
I think.


It would appear that multimedia/mplayer can use a file with % mplayer -dvd-device [i]some_file_name[/i]

Unless blue-ray is completely different from dvd. In which case ignore everything I just said.

And instead mount it via mdconfig(8) and play the files inside.

Unless blue-ray is completely different from cd9660. In which case ignore everything I said.
If it is not encrypted then there is hope as long as you have powerful enough hardware. Assuming it is hidef content, look into steps to play .evo files; it involved forcing decoder and demuxer choices if I recall correctly. If editing your videos, you may need to reencode to another form first.