Solved pkg fetch very slow! how can I do?


I can use axel download *.tar.gz

vi /etc/make.conf
FETCH_CMD=axel -a

1.4M/s in ports

but pkg fetch can't do this.

How can I do this?

10.2k/s in pkg-fetching
thanks first

ports 's speed is 1.4m/s

is ok

but pkg fetch's speed is 10.2k/s

is not OK

I need help for pkg fetch's speed
ports 's speed is 1.4m/s
Meters per second? Really?

but pkg fetch's speed is 10.2k/s

Kelvin per second? Kilo per second?

Please use the correct metrics. It's Mb/s, Mib/s or Mbps for Megabit per second, MB/s, MiB/s or MBps for MegaByte per second.

Also make the proper distinction between Mb/s (Megabits per second) and MB/s (MegaBytes per second).
I am from Shanghai of China



When I install app with ports:
cd /usr/ports/XXX/XXX
sudo make install clean

The speed is OK, sometimes can be 1.4MB/S (1.4*1024*1024 Byte per second).

But when I install app with pkgng:
pkg install xxx
The speed is not OK, very slow! Only can be 10.2KB/S (10.2*1024 Byte per second)

I want to speed up.

How can I do?
Ports are downloading distribution files from different servers than the packages, which come from one of the mirrors provided by the FreeBSD CDN infrastructure. Playing with the fetching command is not going to change the intrinsic bandwith of these different servers. Maybe you could try using a different pkg mirror, but as you can see there are not a lot of them:
dr-mdr, what was the solution?

I'm experiencing the same problem. pkg downloads at 10.2kB/s, regardless of what mirror I use. Some mirrors will randomly go faster for a short time then either revert to 10.2kB/s or timeout and fail completely.

When running pkg update -f, the slow speed begins fetching packagesite.txz.
Count me in too.. same problem here.. tried all of the mirrors, it seems the load-balancer is limiting bandwidth region wise.
Im in Asia and im getting 10kB/s - 40kB/s max
Same issue here... Disabling IPv6 in /etc/rc.conf helped to get to a workable situation (FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p1).
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I had the same issue here, I saw that the mtu size of the network interfaces was only 15, when configuration was done manually to use nw interface. Switched it to dhcp with 1500 as default mtu size. Hope it helps.