Solved pkg conflicts

Hello while trying to upgrade pkg i get an assertion failed msg,any ideas?
Run pkg autoremove to clean up old (and unneeded) package dependencies.
Please don't post pictures of text.

Anyway, looks like your /var/db/pkg/local.sqlite (the package database) got corrupted somehow. Are there any backups in /var/backups/pkg.sql.xz*? You might need to restore a recent one.

But the database doesn't get corrupted easily, so I'm wondering what you did to get to this state? Bad disk perhaps?
thanks that worked ! sorry for posting images but i could not startx on my freebsd.
You can redirect output to nc 9999, that'll post the output to a pastbin type website. Another option is to SSH into the machine and copy/paste the output from that.

Anyway, good to see you managed to restore the package database. It may not be entirely complete, you may be missing some actions that were done between the moment of backup and when it broke. But it's better than nothing.