Panic in ffs_valloc

What would be the cause of this panic? I get the message:

Panic in ffs_valloc

and my computer just restarts. I can only boot in single-user mode. It may be related to a bwn driver or maybe an incorrectly unmounted USB. I really don't know, but I'm running out of ideas and patience.
In single user mode, have you unmounted the USB? Checked each filesystem for a /lost+found to empty? Ran fsck_ffs -y on each filesystem and device? (Just could be any number of things.)
Thanks. I did try fsck_ffs -y but I did not know about any /lost+found. I've decided to reinstall one last time, but it's not looking good. I still get an
RX decryption attempted
error after my wifi starts. I have a feeling this card might not work with FreeBSD. I appreciate the response.