out of space on /rescue - new(ish) install

Hi, have an issue on a FreeBSD notebook install. Found all the files in /rescue are way too big - fsck doesn't fix it and cp keeps file same size - am I doing something obviously wrong here?


-r-xr-xr-x  138 root  wheel  4389164 Feb 21 23:24 xzcat
-r-xr-xr-x  138 root  wheel  4389164 Feb 21 23:24 zcat
-r-xr-xr-x  138 root  wheel  4389164 Feb 21 23:24 zfs
-r-xr-xr-x  138 root  wheel  4389164 Feb 21 23:24 zpool
All of the files in /rescue are hardlinked; they're really all the same file. Copy them with something that doesn't keep the links and they grow a lot in size. You can relink them all to one file (untested!):
# find /rescue -type f -not -name zpool -exec ln {} /rescue/zpool \;

Fixing whatever's losing the links when it copies them in the first place is better. Use the -H option with net/rsync, or use tar(1).