Operating systems in academic settings

I don't think any of the FOSS OS's are "ready-for-prime-time", enough, for that environment. School districts are woefully inadequate at supporting hardware and software products. You need something that is stripped down to the essentials; ONE supported filesystem, ONE desktop/window manager, ONE browser, ONE productivity suite, NO "extra tools/services", NO config files, etc. Everything has to "just work". This is contrary to most FOSS that seems to strive to be "most flexible" (even if you hide the configuration files, they still exist... the device can "change" because it has support for that change as part of its very nature).

I've been developing a STEAM curriculum to supplement the "mainstream" curriculum in elementary/jr high/high schools. The idea is to teach programming (concepts, not a specific LANGUAGE) with "real world" problems. Not silly abstractions ("Let's write a program to compute the Fibonacci sequence!").

To that end, I've been repurposing laptops to be "teaching appliances". Stripping everything out of the laptop that isn't essential to teaching the courseware and allowing students to develop solutions thereunder. You want to surf the web? Go find someone else's computer. You want to draw pictures? See previous comment. Etc.

Initially, we plan to teach students how to program a "robot" to navigate a maze. Force them to think about how THEY would navigate a maze IF THEY WERE IN THE MAZE (with only their immediate surroundings "probe-able"). Then, expose them to a pseudo-language (that runs in the laptop) to command a virtual robot to explore a maze depicted on the screen. They can see their code executing (single step) and watch what the on-screen robot is doing to discover the flaws in their aproach.

One can then offer different mazes to show them how various algorithms can fail. Eventually, getting them to refine their INDIVIDUAL solutions to the point where they can solve a "random" maze generated by their laptop to exercise their solution (and let them experience conditions that they might not have previously imagined -- what if the starting point is IN the maze instead of at the periphery?? Ooops!)

You can imagine how you can "evaluate" the efficiency of their algorithms -- count the number of "instruction fetches" to solve a particular maze; count the number of robot motions, etc. This inroduces the notion that algorithms have costs and some can be better than other -- even if they ALL solve the maze!

[You can see a more advanced class teaching students to maintain and update a model of the maze (based on their robot's observations) and infer characteristics of the maze based on that knowledge.]

As (technically) "supporting" such a curriculum can quickly get costly (time), you want to minimize the number of things that can go wrong with their kit. AND, make it easy to restore/replace their "defective" device with something to keep them "up" (i.e., let all of their "files" reside on a thumb drive; no way to "save" anything on the laptop/appliance, itself).
The Ernie Ball company switched to Linux Terminal Server after Microsoft made an example of them in ads after what appears to be just sloppy accounting of repurposed machines (https://www.cnet.com/tech/tech-industry/rockin-on-without-microsoft/).

In one of the articles about Ernie Ball, it mentions that the users only have access to apps that they need. For example, if a person’s job is data entry, they don’t get a web browser, so they are not distracted by it. That idea might have application in academic organizations.
Another aspect…we were helping a school in Belize (where we live) with their computer lab. The school is in a poor rural area. There computers are all donated Windows PCs. The problem they have is that the temperatures are often above 100º F, and they have no air conditioning. The computers, which were already old when they were acquired, are dying one after another.

I think they probably need fanless industrial computers (like https://www.gigaipc.com/en/products-detail/QBiX-EHLA6412-A1/), which have an operating range of 0 to 50º C. But they are in the $300 range ($600 BZ$), so out of reach for the school.
The Ernie Ball company switched to Linux Terminal Server after Microsoft made an example of them in ads after what appears to be just sloppy accounting of repurposed machines (https://www.cnet.com/tech/tech-industry/rockin-on-without-microsoft/).

In one of the articles about Ernie Ball, it mentions that the users only have access to apps that they need. For example, if a person’s job is data entry, they don’t get a web browser, so they are not distracted by it. That idea might have application in academic organizations.
In my case, many of the students will be disadvantaged kids. I want to make it difficult for them (or a family member) to decide to sell the laptop for a few dollars. Obviously, we wouldn't want to penalize the student (even if they were at fault -- kids take a long time to understand the value of what you are trying to do) so we would replace the "missing" laptop. (The equipment is donated so the real cost is just TIME)

To discourage this sort of thing, I am trying to render the laptops "unusable" for anything once they've been "repurposed" to my needs. I.e., so you can't install ANYTHING on them -- ever. Then, mark them prominently (though not tackily) so anyone encountering someone trying to sell one would realize "Oh, that's one of those laptops that you can't install Windows on... no thanks, I don't want to buy it from you!"

Another aspect…we were helping a school in Belize (where we live) with their computer lab. The school is in a poor rural area. There computers are all donated Windows PCs. The problem they have is that the temperatures are often above 100º F, and they have no air conditioning. The computers, which were already old when they were acquired, are dying one after another.

I think they probably need fanless industrial computers (like https://www.gigaipc.com/en/products-detail/QBiX-EHLA6412-A1/), which have an operating range of 0 to 50º C. But they are in the $300 range ($600 BZ$), so out of reach for the school.
I live in the desert southwest (US -- a northern suburb of MX :> ) so high temperatures are common, here. Many of the poorer families don't have air conditioning, relying, instead, on evaporative coolers. This only really works during the "dry" season and still leaves homes in the 80+F range.

There are alternative platforms (e.g., true terminal servers) but they require external monitors. (So, a shady student could sell the monitor which would be a lot harder for me to "cripple" like the laptops).

If you have funding, I would have considered designing an interface that lets the students use their phones as the compute engine with an external (BT?) keyboard and "TV" for the monitor -- assuming TVs are somewhat ubiquitous, everywhere.

But, my goal has been to find uses for all this surplus equipment that is "generated" each year as businesses retire FLEETS of PCs and laptops regularly. Repurpose a set of laptops "for teaching purposes". At the completion of the course, when the student SURRENDERS the laptop (that I have spent a fair bit of time "crippling" and that has value for the NEXT class), REWARD him/her with a REAL laptop. So, you have a home for as many laptops as you have students!
Obviously, we wouldn't want to penalize the student (even if they were at fault -- kids take a long time to understand the value of what you are trying to do) so we would replace the "missing" laptop.
You are a true educator. Bravo!

BTW, it just occurred to me that crippling the laptops is really a form of poka-yoke, the Japanese production concept of designing things in such a way that it is hard to make errors while assembling them. In this case you are protecting against the error of trying to sell them.
In my case, many of the students will be disadvantaged kids. I want to make it difficult for them (or a family member) to decide to sell the laptop for a few dollars. Obviously, we wouldn't want to penalize the student (even if they were at fault -- kids take a long time to understand the value of what you are trying to do) so we would replace the "missing" laptop. (The equipment is donated so the real cost is just TIME)

To discourage this sort of thing, I am trying to render the laptops "unusable" for anything once they've been "repurposed" to my needs. I.e., so you can't install ANYTHING on them -- ever. Then, mark them prominently (though not tackily) so anyone encountering someone trying to sell one would realize "Oh, that's one of those laptops that you can't install Windows on... no thanks, I don't want to buy it from you!"
🤣 if you want to make it difficult to resell a laptop - that has been accomplished with Windows already. I'd know, I was part of the system that does exactly that, the BIOS gets disabled remotely. There's the reason that business fleets have Intel vPro processors, and more.
You are a true educator. Bravo!
As I said, MY motivation is just to divert all of this "eWaste" that would be TRASH and find a new home for it -- or, SOME of it. In the US (recognizing you AREN'T here), the sheer volume of such waste is... depressing. I started repairing LCD monitors. I now have *30*. Ditto for the three TVs. etc. There just aren't enough hours in a day to "rescue" stuff that way.

So, you have to find "homes" for things that are of greater value (in the abstract sense). If you can teach something AND find a home for some bit of kit, then you've addressed two problems at once.

To make it more exciting AND "media worthy", the goal is to have a (friendly) "competition" where the students can compare the performance of their algorithms against each other. To that end, I have repurposed some electric wheelchair bases (also "rescued") onto which I can attach a controller that will "drive" the wheelchair base as per the directions in the student's code. To avoid it becoming a "geeky affair", the plan is to allow the students to "decorate" the base (the 'A' in STEAM) so it doesn't just look like a boring mechanical platform wandering around. Call the local TV crew to cover the event (30-90 seconds on the local TV station to drum up support/demand among other students and parents for similar programs in their school districts)

And, once you have a program/curriculum in place, then you can leverage the actions of OTHERS to do likewise. All teh more kit finding a new use -- even if only temporarily (sooner or later, each student will outgrow his laptop)

[In the US, there are two non-technical problems that complicate this. The first is finding people who are willing (ideally for no/low pay) to do the actual teaching (and qualified to do so -- child psychology, background check, etc.). The second is finding facilities in which to do this (not just a physical space but someone willing to underwrite the LIABILITY INSURANCE in case a kid trips and falls going in or out of the building). I'm an engineer; these aren't issues I am qualified to address.]

BTW, it just occurred to me that crippling the laptops is really a form of poka-yoke, the Japanese production concept of designing things in such a way that it is hard to make errors while assembling them. In this case you are protecting against the error of trying to sell them.

Laptops are just so ubiquitous and "standardized" that it is hard to figure out how to make changes that are nontrivial to undo. E.g., you can't just remove the optical drive or replace the disk drive with <something>. You have to find a way to CHANGE some key part of the machine in a way that "average joes" won't be able to easily "unchange". If you are an obscure little group (dozens of students per semester), then you aren't as much of a target as if your idea becomes more widespread -- and folks THINK about how to beat your protections!

If the BIOS/firmware was "open", I could easily modify it to make it impossible to boot from ANYthing other than an internal SSD that is aware of the CHANGES made to the BIOS. Put an SSD built on some other machine into it and it just crashes -- because the "other machine" had a "normal" BIOS and the software/OS running there was based on those assumptions!
There's the reason that business fleets have Intel vPro processors, and more.
That limits you to WHICH laptops you can use. Donors drop off whatever laptops THEY are discarding; you aren't BUYING a particular laptop but, rather, trying to use something that has been given to you (that would otherwise be scrapped).
Also, you don't want to have to do anything once a laptop is "stolen". Instead, you want the sucker who bought the laptop to get annoyed because it just won't work -- and have HIM seek a refund from the guy who sold it to him in the back alley, pawn shop, etc.
As I said, MY motivation is just to divert all of this "eWaste" that would be TRASH and find a new home for it -- or, SOME of it. In the US (recognizing you AREN'T here), the sheer volume of such waste is... depressing.
These are more than a decade old but they show the "inventory" of repaired/tested/installed "recycled" machines ready to be distributed to "clients"

And, a snapshot of LCD monitors being scrapped (too small to bother with).


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And this is representative of the electric wheelchairs that I've repurposed. I kept one for my personal use (designing a self-driving chair), made an "electric wheelbarrow" out of another (by replacing the seat with the bucket from a wheelbarrow -- so it has an electric "dump" feature -- and replacing the two 12V "car batteries" with a pair of 12V 70A power supplies from a server!) and two more for the "robots" project -- also by removing the seats.


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Laptops are just so ubiquitous and "standardized" that it is hard to figure out how to make changes that are nontrivial to undo. E.g., you can't just remove the optical drive or replace the disk drive with <something>. You have to find a way to CHANGE some key part of the machine in a way that "average joes" won't be able to easily "unchange". If you are an obscure little group (dozens of students per semester), then you aren't as much of a target as if your idea becomes more widespread -- and folks THINK about how to beat your protections!

If the BIOS/firmware was "open", I could easily modify it to make it impossible to boot from ANYthing other than an internal SSD that is aware of the CHANGES made to the BIOS. Put an SSD built on some other machine into it and it just crashes -- because the "other machine" had a "normal" BIOS and the software/OS running there was based on those assumptions!
Are you familiar with Frame.work laptops? That stuff is an attempt to answer a lot of the ideas that you've been voicing around here on these Forums. And yes, they include OpenBoot, and the like. And yes, some users here report that FreeBSD works pretty well on those.

But man, you really remind me of Alex Jones... The Forums are not a podcast/YT platform, y'know. 😒
But man, you really remind me of Alex Jones... The Forums are not a podcast/YT platform, y'know. 😒
Doesn't seem Alex-Jones-ish to me at all. Alex Jones peddles conspiracy theories to make money, with no care to who he hurts in the process. We are talking about computers in the academic setting, and Don Y has an interesting philosophy about computers in education, and talks about how he has implemented it. I am happy to hear more of this.
Are you familiar with Frame.work laptops?
You are missing the point, entirely. We don't BUY anything. Why should we contribute to the problem of increasing eWaste -- instead of making use of the stuff that's already "available"?

The amount of USABLE kit that is DISCARDED, annually, is beyond anything that you can imagine. It is discarded because IT folks decide it's time for another upgrade cycle. Because MS wants to replenish their coffers. Or, because of the budgetary "if we don't SPEND it, we won't get MORE, next year" attitude. We had a donor who would round up ALL of their surplus electronic equipment and ship it to us. An 18-wheeler, every month. ONE donor. Think about the hospitals with 3000 seats. University. Large employers. Those photos of "inventory"? That's two, maybe three, people putting in a few hours a week refurbishing donated machines.

It is incredibly inefficient to "recycle" this stuff. Because it takes a lot of labor to disassemble it into "pure" materials.

Copper and aluminum heatsinks -- each separate from each other -- have to be removed. Plastic has to be discarded (no market for plastic). SIMMs/DIMMs/CPUs with gold pins/fingers have to be removed from the computer and processed to remove the gold plating. "Chips" are just bits of plastic. The laminations in transformers are ferrous and can be recycled -- after you've removed the copper wire that is wound through them. Some of the materials in batteries can be recycled -- by disassembling the battery. The tin case can be recycled -- after all of the things inside it have been removed and separated from it. The wire in the power cord can be recycled -- after you've rid it of that insulation.

The batteries in a UPS are worth ~21c per pound. So, the standard 12V 7.2AHr battery found in many UPSs is worth less than a dollar. Yet, sells for $25 - $50. Surely not just for the electrons and holes inside it! So, a small UPS with 1 (typically 2) such batteries is "worth" about a buck (the balance because of the value of the large, heavy transformer inside).

[So, if I leave the batteries for you to recycle (because they are toast and I'll have to buy new ones) and offer you a dollar for this UPS, you've made a nice profit! And, you have diverted those other goods from a landfill AND from having to disassemble them for recycling! "Gee, I need 12 of them..."]

CRTs? Good luck. You may be lucky to get a third-world country to accept them and deal with the toxic materials they contain.

As I said, a PC is worth 10c per pound. Weigh your PC. Multiply by $0.10. Compare that number to the PRICE you paid for it. The difference is the effort (plus SMALL profit) that is required to convert it's recycled materials back into a usable PC.

And, if you don't recycle, then you DISCARD. Pile them in land fills and pretend they aren't a problem. For you OR your kids!

If, instead, you can REFURBISH them and put them back in use, then you have reclaimed "all" of their value. If you can't refurbish but can REPURPOSE, then you have similarly reclaimed value. These being preferable to the costly RECYCLE step that is the only other alternative to avoid DISCARD.

I can repair items (REFURBISH) and give them new life. But, there is a limit to how much you can do this. Because finding people who will want those repaired items (and NOT pester me if they later break -- no warranty included) is hard. I can't GIVE AWAY 65 inch TVs -- people would rather buy a new one and know that they can bring it back to the store if there is a problem.

Electric wheelchairs? The one I showed has a list price north of $40K. You'd think folks would be eager to get one FOR FREE!? Ah, but what do they do when something breaks? When the batteries need to be replaced ($1100)? When they need it adjusted to fit their body shape and its changes? So, you use disability insurance, or SSI, or <whatever> and go through the paperwork to BUY one (or have one bought FOR you). Meanwhile, the person who previously owned my two chairs has died or moved on to another chair (as DME, they are replacable at 5 yr intervals). The chair shown has *3* miles on its odometer.

Laptops are the one thing that we can always find homes for. As seen in the photo, that used to be the case with decktop PCs. But, now people don't want to dedicate that much space to a desktop. And, are content replacing a PC after a few years (instead of upgrading a PC). Similarly, no one wants a recycled phone; they can get a new one from their provider (by signing a contract, etc.)

There are countless kids who can't afford laptops. So, why not give the ones that can be refurbished to them? And, why not TEACH them something -- FUN -- in the process? So, they learn that computers need not be about web surfing or designing web pages but can actually DO things (like drive robots)? Let someone else teach them how particular industries tackle these problems. All we want to do is spark an interest and find homes for kit that would otherwise be buried under soil!
computers in education, and talks about how he has implemented it
It's hard to make STEAM interesting. For zero dollars.

Once it becomes part of "established curriculum", then money gets wasted on it with little or no accountability. Suddenly, you need offices for a dozen people to "administer" a program that ran off of volunteer labor, previously.

And, the goal of those staff members is not to improve the program (despite what they say) but, rather, to ensure their own salaries, next year.

I looked back a the various courses I took (or was exposed to) and the various projects with which I've been involved. "What made this interesting?" Then, the anticipated intelligence (and confidence) of the kids to be targeted.

Solving a maze is a non-competitive problem (until you start comparing "costs" for doing so). And, the sort of thing a kid could do in a virtual maze with a virtual robot -- running in an arena built INSIDE a laptop. The cost of failure is purely psychological; no materials are consumed or destroyed in the process. The time it takes to develop your algorithm is hidden from others -- there is nothing to say that you took a week to design the code... or an hour.

But, just working in a virtual arena is boring. It's just pixels on a screen. It gets exciting when you can reify your design and have others watch -- even when it screws up and drives into a wall! (and the "Pac-Man death sound" plays on overhead loudspeakers). Sure, it's a bit embarassing (all the more reason to have put in your effort BEFORE the "finals") but not humiliating.

This was one of the most entertaining classes on campus. Granted, that's beyond the abilities of the target audience. And, requires monies to buy the materials they use.

Maze solving is an easy first step. I'm also looking into how to make "warring" robots -- for older, more advanced students. Imagine a pair of robots trying to "shoot" each other on a playfield. This leverages the motion/navigation characteristics of the maze problem with remote sensing (cuz the oponent might be some distance from you) as well as stored state: where was he when I last saw him? where might he be, now (N clock cycles later)? All to develop strategy.

[How do you represent "shooting" in a PHYSICAL arena in a way that doesn't interfere with the navigation of the robots OR put spectators at risk?]
[How do you represent "shooting" in a PHYSICAL arena in a way that doesn't interfere with the navigation of the robots OR put spectators at risk?]
Rent a training facility with CCTV cams in strategic locations. Then mount paintball guns on the robots. Paintball is a pretty popular pastime in US, so there's plenty of such facilities for rent.
At one point, my wife and I were working on an educational game about lost cities of England (cities that were there in the Middle Ages, but subsequently disappeared.) When we looked into what it would take to pilot it in the Chicago school system, we found that it would cost us between 50 and 100 thousand dollars to go through the approval process.

We gave up on that project.
At one point, my wife and I were working on an educational game about lost cities of England (cities that were there in the Middle Ages, but subsequently disappeared.) When we looked into what it would take to pilot it in the Chicago school system, we found that it would cost us between 50 and 100 thousand dollars to go through the approval process.

We gave up on that project.
Just $50-100k for the entire Chicago school system? 🤣 that's peanuts for a system of that size. I'd suggest piloting it in just one school/class, evaluate the approach, and then see if you can find a sponsor. Sometimes, you gotta have an appreciation for the playbook beyond the quoted price.
Rent a training facility with CCTV cams in strategic locations. Then mount paintball guns on the robots. Paintball is a pretty popular pastime in US, so there's plenty of such facilities for rent.
There would be nothing to prevent the paintballs from leaving the arena. (and, again, rent=money) Imagine setting something up in the "gymnasium" of the local school that has been hosting the class -- expecting them to carry the event insurance in much the same way that they would have for the "weekend classes". Or, in an outdoor parking lot.

Also, that's an imprecise targeting system. You want the student to predict WHERE (specifically) the opponent will be -- not just "somewhere in this direction"). I.e., "lob a missile at grid coordinates X,Y" and if the opponent is NOT at those particular coordinates, you've wasted a shot.

This is considerably harder than just "shoot in that direction" (I could use a visible light flashlight and not have to worry about hurting bystanders -- as a laser would; if the light shines on the opponent, he can be considered "hit"). If you target (+1,+5), are you also expecting to benefit from "grazing shots" that hit an opponent located in (+1,+2), (+1,+3), (+1,+4), (+0,+1), (+0,+2), etc.? I.e., the angle to the target has collateral benefits. Similarly, the distance. Should targeting something nearby (+1,+1) be LESS effective than targeting something farther away (+10,+10)?

Think, instead, of throwing balls (but, they can bounce and will litter the arena), water balloons (my personal favorite because they would evoke more entertainment value from spectators), bean bags, rice balls, etc.

Then, think of how you would design a mechanism that would lob it EXACTLY and reliably to the intended target coordinates and not "hit" anything along the way. Remember, it can't BREAK because you've got a room full of students (and families?) that are counting on YOUR mechanism for THEIR kids' enjoyment!
When we looked into what it would take to pilot it in the Chicago school system, we found that it would cost us between 50 and 100 thousand dollars to go through the approval process.
[I lived in the N and NW burbs for many years. I miss Russell's -- and REALLY goog pizza!]

If someone OWNS the IP, they probably want some money for you to USE it. What do you do if they change their license terms or fee structure?

If you, OTOH, develop all of the technology yourself, then there's no one to pay!