Open Source Windows-Compatible OS - This is awesome to see =]

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ReactOS looks like an interesting project.

Threat to Windows? No. Never. As an architect responsible for supervising a fairly large MS development team I'd submit that the slew technologies released by MS in last 2-3 years has changed the rules.

Competing with Windows at OS level this point is useless. Its like saying I've designed a better chasiss than top 5 car makers. Sorry but customers don't buy chasiss, they buy cars.

However, I'll be most interested in knowing what kind of graphical interface system ReactOS has implemented. If it is functional enough and portable than I'll be ready take a stab at porting it to FreeBSD. But, at this point FreeBSD isn't ready (no framebuffer device??).

I think the lasting contribution of the ReactOS poroject might be a workable X11 alternative as a takeaway. If it works than it would have succeded in what Linux tried to do and failed i.e. open source desktop. API compatibility with Windows will also ensure porting of Windows apps fairly rapidly.
I'll change the rules right now: you have to type everything in palindromes

SR_Ind said:
I'd submit that the slew technologies released by MS in last 2-3 years has changed the rules.

But are they forward-looking in this time-frame, or should I still buy^H^H^Hleverage a B2B e-dot-com productivity enhancement suite .NET?
fronclynne said:
But are they forward-looking in this time-frame, or should I still buy^H^H^Hleverage a B2B e-dot-com productivity enhancement suite .NET?

Could you please explain in legible English, what is "buy^H^H^Hleverage" ?

The new technologies are forward-looking and futuristic. Take it FWIW.
SR_Ind said:
The new technologies are forward-looking and futuristic. Take it FWIW.

What technologies? You mean transparency effects? Copy-on-write filesystems? Network backups? Networked desktops? The ability to run World of Warcraft? Journaling? A graphical desktop? Pre-emptive multitasking? A mouse-pointer to control desktop actions? Spending >$50M on OEM deals to lock out other operating systems? Throwing chairs? 64-bit drivers? A broken web-browser integrated into the base of the operating system? File allocation tables? Network settings now reside under Start->System->UserOp~1->Contro~1->New->Obscure->StayOut->Stop->Danger->Jaguar? Soothing beeps when you click something? A taskbar? Automatic crash reporting? A command-prompt shell? Human-readable configuration files? Encryption engine support? Virtual machine management? Swap files? Filesystem defragmentation? An e-mail client? Word-processing software? Microsoft Bob?
fronclynne said:
What technologies? You mean transparency effects? Copy-on-write filesystems? Network backups? Networked desktops? The ability to run World of Warcraft? Journaling? A graphical desktop? Pre-emptive multitasking? A mouse-pointer to control desktop actions? Spending >$50M on OEM deals to lock out other operating systems? Throwing chairs? 64-bit drivers? A broken web-browser integrated into the base of the operating system? File allocation tables? Network settings now reside under Start->System->UserOp~1->Contro~1->New->Obscure->StayOut->Stop->Danger->Jaguar? Soothing beeps when you click something? A taskbar? Automatic crash reporting? A command-prompt shell? Human-readable configuration files? Encryption engine support? Virtual machine management? Swap files? Filesystem defragmentation? An e-mail client? Word-processing software? Microsoft Bob?

I see another flag waving fanboy ;)

Stick with your X-Windows abomination. Locks up everytime. Whereas Windows 7/2008 quitely restarts the WM if you do something stupid.

Touchscreens anyone?

Of wait last week my FreeBSD kernel whined and crashed because I added an partition to the FreeBSD hosting drive, where as the Windows 2008 server on the first partition quitely showed the partition in disk manager.

Web servers? Alas that's not the responsibility of the FOSS OS developers, that pretend that they are shipping a "server" OS.

Development environments? What's that? My sympathies, please stick with vi.

Debuggers? Locks up in multithreaded apps. My sympathies again. But hey, what's a thread, we fork all the time ain't it?

[ insults removed ; user infracted - Mod. ]
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