obs studio, pulseaudio and external usb mic fix

obs studio is open source software for video recording and live streaming

Heres how i managed to get my Yeti Blue Snowball mic working with obs studio

1 - Boot up with the external usb mic plugged in

2 - After logging in run dmesg as root to make sure the device is recognised

# dmesg

3 - Check /dev/dsp* for the device

ls /dev/dsp*

In my case the Yeti Blue Snowball usb mic shows up as /dev/dsp2

4 - Un mute the volume for the devices mixer

By default the mixer for /dev/dsp2 device is muted so we need to un mute it

mixer -f /dev/mixer2 mic 100

5 - Start pulseaudio

obs studio use pulseaudio so we need to start pulseaudio before opening obs studio,
otherwise the mic wont show up

start pulseaudio

pulseaudio --start

6 - Open obs studio and add the mic as an audio input

We can now open obs studio and add a audio source and select our usb mic,
like the Yeti Blue Snowball and start recording

7 - Stop pulseaudio

We can stop pulseaudio with the following command

pulseaudio --kill

or the shorter version

pulseaudio -k