This is probably my last message in this thread. Seems that almost everything has been written by several people. Seems that the OP stubbornly wishes to use legacy boot for his fresh FreeBSD installation, however it is not clear if the motherboard (MB) has been set up accordingly.
It has also been said that the MB was able to boot Windows and Ubuntu before. Windows is using UEFI boot and GPT partitions. That explains why it worked with given set-up. This is probably the case with Ubuntu also.
At least two people have advised the OP to use UEFI boot or reconfigure the MB.
In this case FreeBSD is not to be blamed.
I can't quite figure out if my lack of need to get this done quickly is irritating people. Just now, I'm really not in any hurry. And I'm certainly not blaming FreeBSD for anything. How could I, I have little to no experience with it. I should also point out that even if windows was on this computer before, I only know that because I switched to ubuntu/bsd eventually, and what would I have switched -from-? This isn't a mac. I used solidworks quite a bit, so it must have been windows. It's been so long, I barely remember. Regardless, I definitely wasn't the person who put it on, so why should I know or care what it used? This post is first to suggest such a reason. I'll come back to this in due time. Chill people, chill! smell the roses!

Maybe I haven't shown proper appreciation for the feedback? Thank-You!!

I'm sorry I'm not as keen on UEFI as you'd like. I checked a single source, and it sounded scary. Just explain to me why it's actually the best thing since sliced bread and should be used by everybody and I shouldn't be afraid of it, and we can all walse ahead together into the sunset! And even if you don't, (you have no obligation to, that's up to me), then I'll happily do it if it becomes clear it really is necessary.

Again, not in any hurry!

I mean, sometimes I am, but just now, no., it occurs to me that my previous discouragement might be having an effect on this discussion. Discouragement is normal. But maybe this is an indication that such feelings shouldn't be shared? I'm sorry if they had a detrimental effect on people. Either something works, or it doesn't. If and when you need to take a break, you do so