no appropriate viewer found for freebsd

I updated my ports. Make Install Clean for linux-f10-flashplugin10 and tried to do the same for nsplugginwrapper. But I get

Code: cannot open shared object file:  No such file or directory
nspluginwrapper:  no appropriate viewer found for /usr/local/lib/nmapi/linux-f10-flashplugin/

Any Help Greatly Appreciated!
Are you running the Linux layer at all? [cmd=]kldstat | grep linux[/cmd]
Do you have linprocfs enabled? [cmd=]mount | grep linproc[/cmd]
Is there actually anything in /usr/compat/linux?
Thanks again!
# kldstat | grep linux
36    1 0xc942a000 26000    linux.ko
# mount | grep linux
linprocfs on /usr/compat/linux/proc (linprocfs, local) 
linprocfs on /usr/compat/linux/proc (linprocfs, local) 
linprocfs on /usr/compat/linux/proc (linprocfs, local)
# ls /usr/compat/linux/
bin	lib	opt	sbin	srv	usr
etc	mnt	proc	selinux	sys	var
Anyway, if you have this one: /usr/local/lib/npapi/linux-f10-flashplugin/

Go to ~/.mozilla/plugins (as the 'normal' user, not root), and run $ ln -s /usr/local/lib/npapi/linux-f10-flashplugin/ and $ nspluginwrapper -a -v -i.

See if that makes a difference.
Yep, had 3 linprocfs's. Too ignorant to know, thanks. Got "permission denied attempting "ln -s..."? I appreciate your help.
just read my last post. Please don't misunderstand, I wasn't being sarcastic. this is more help than I've been able to help myself in hours.
Check the ownerships of your home directory and all directories under it (specifically ~/.mozilla/plugins). You should never get a 'permission denied' in a directory tree that you (are supposed to) own. Or else try [cmd=]chown -R <username> /home/<username>[/cmd].
Create it (with the right owner ..), and try the commands in post #7 (or just try the entire Flash10 HowTo again, because the ownerships obviously didn't help).
Ah-Ha! Some no-knowin-nuthin newbie (me) had a - where a _ was called for. in make.conf. I expect all will be well now. Next time I will retrace my steps before crying to higher powers. I assume a man of your skills and knowledge and his associates could never need the assistance of a routing/switching/net security guy. But if I'm wrong please give me the opportunity to repay your kindness. You are a good man.

Thanks a Ton