NFS mounting issue - identifier removed


I have a TrueNas server that is sharing some directories over NFSv3 - I am trying to mount them on another FreeBSD 14 server.
If I mount them manually there are no errors initially, but as soon as I have entered a directory and then try to go back I get the error "Identifier removed".

In /VAR/LOG/Messages I see:
Jul 28 13:30:02 plex kernel: newnfs: server '' error: fileid changed. fsid 0:0: expected fileid 0x2, got 0x22. (BROKEN NFS SERVER OR MIDDLEWARE)

I have tried a lot of things, turning on/off NFSv4 from Truenas, and also ensuring that the share is owned by GI 8880 which also exist on the FreeBSD server where users are a member of it.

My mount command is relatively simple, so maybe there is an option missing that would solve this:
mount -t nfs /mnt/media2

All hints are welcome :)
VulcanRidr FYI (I see the unanswered 2021 topic in the TrueNAS Community archive).

1722822552208.png@xiaotuzi I see a discussion in GitHub that might be of interest.

Elsewhere, discussions of hard links.