NFS export an NFS-exported mountpoint

Hello All,

I am running some experiments and I am trying to export files using NFS. My layout is as follows.

Server1 ---- Server2 --- ClientA

Server1 exports /usr/datasets/A.
Server2 mounts Server1_ip:/usr/dataset/A to /home/user/A and then exports /home/user/A.

ClientA will need to mount the export sent by Server2 but it does not work (not a filesystem mountpoint). I know clientA should import the export of Server1 but this is just something I am trying to do to check for some functionality where NFS is needed to work in a "weird" scenario.

Is it possible to do that? Has anyone tried it before?

It's not going to work. From exports(5):
Each line in the file (other than comment lines that begin with a #) specifies the mount point(s) and export flags within one local server file system or the NFSv4 tree root for one or more hosts.

An NFS mounted directory is not a local file system.