UFS Newfs on USB Stick hangs

I did

newfs -O1 -n /dev/da0s1

in an USB Memory Flash Stick. When displaying sectors, at some of them hangs for ca 4 or 5 seconds.
Is that normal or is the (new) stick spoiled?

% df -h /dev/da0s1
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/da0s1 58G 4.0K 53G 0% /mnt

It was a 64GB Stick
try the normal UFSversion2 to see if that works fine ?
Do you think there is a reason it will then work normal, or just a try and err?

If just a try and err, there are millions things to try, I will never end.

My question: have others the same experience?
It does take some time even on very fast backend devices (write speed more than 500MBps).

What is important though: how does that stick perform now? When you read/write data on it, does it perform within expected speed range?
I am certain no freebsd-developer looks into UFS-version1 code. Meaning you can easily run into issues.
UFS-version1 is obsolete and the only good reason i can see is compatiblity with netbsd/openbsd.
It does take some time even on very fast backend devices (write speed more than 500MBps).

What is important though: how does that stick perform now? When you read/write data on it, does it perform within expected speed range?
Yes, if the device capacity is big, then it takes time.

But the problem here is different. newfs outputs sector numbers, it is fast in some consecutive numbers, it hangs on
few of them for about 4 or 5 seconds, and then continue outputting fast. The irregularity is the strange thing. Is it

I did not load data, because eventually I give it back. But perhaps I try.
But the problem here is different. newfs outputs sector numbers, it is fast in some consecutive numbers, it hangs on
few of them for about 4 or 5 seconds,
I've seen this behavior on disks too, I don't see any issue here. It could be catching up with the buffers and waiting for them (buffered write, waiting for dirty pages to get flushed). You could truss it and check what it's waiting for. But if you have regular i/o speeds on it afterwards I personally think it's ok.