newbie question

I have an older computer I would like to install
freeBSD, is there a live cd/ISO img avail on any of the
versions released that will work on my computer. specs are 384 MB mem 20GB HD, 900Mhz proc spd.
openOS said:
I have an older computer I would like to install
freeBSD, is there a live cd/ISO img avail on any of the
versions released that will work on my computer. specs are 384 MB mem 20GB HD, 900Mhz proc spd.
Such specs are enough. I run FreeBSD + X on much less. But as jb_fvwm2 said, you need to check all your chipsets.
If you want to install it, use the disc1 ISO, but if you want a Live CD, use the livefs ISO.

i386 ISOs: