Solved new user questions

I am a new FreeBSD user, which is currently installed in Virtualbox. I am learning it until Debian jessie goes stable, then I plan on doing a full change over.

I have a few questions, but did't know if I should make a new thread for each one or not. This is a FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE i386 DVD KDE version.

1. I have KDE installed, it logs in directly to the KDE login. I would like to know how to use the su(1) command. I found documentation about being a member of the wheel group in order to use su(1). I did not know that when I created my user(I am the only one). I found documentation to try to add the the wheel group to my user, but it is read only, not able to write to it. How can I add the group wheel if it is read only.

2. I don't know if it is because I have KDE installed or not, is there any way to login as root to do these commands(see above)? I can login as single user, and that gives me a # prompt. I do not know if it is the same thing. Any suggestions???

Sorry for the long post.
Because you're new to this I have to say this, FreeBSD is not a "distro", it's an OS.