New FreeBSD Foundation Website

It's a canned Wordpress theme but it still looks sharp. Usually I can pick them out but this one looked pretty good.

I wish I could get hold of the main site and rewrite it but I can't even find the time to rewrite my own.
Very nice looking page! The full width theme looks great at 1280x1024px ... which reminds me that I need to change some of my older WP sites to us the wide theme, to be not so 90s looking ...

Great color contrast, vibrant but not overdone.
In general, I like it. The new site is pretty well laid out and looks like on my screen. My only issue is the dynamic top bar. I find it really distracting when a website changes the position or size of elements while scrolling. Not a huge issue though and, overall, I think the new website has a good look.
The logo looks really good. The page is good. I'm with NewGuy about the dynamic top - not a big deal but and unnecessary distraction.