Naxsi Firewall help

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to set up what is supposed to be an easy web firewall using Naxsi but I really cannot get my head around it. So far I understand that I need to add this line inside my
http {

include        /etc/nginx/naxsi_core.rules;
and then create a location directory inside my vhost.conf
location /RequestDenied {
 allow x.x.x.x;
 deny all;
 proxy_pass http://localhost:4242;

and that's about all really.

Has someone got any resources to share on how to configure Naxsi on FreeBSD?

Thank you.


In the location you should return some http code. However, in what mode are you running Naxsi? Copy/paste your naxsi_core.rules, which should be placed in /usr/local/etc/nginx instead /etc/....
quintessence said:

In the location you should return some http code. However, in what mode are you running Naxsi? Copy/paste your naxsi_core.rules, which should be placed in /usr/local/etc/nginx instead /etc/....

Hi @quintessence,

I haven't got any rules yet, I'm still trying to understand what to put and where at the moment.
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If you installed Naxsi as 3rd party module from ports (checkbox on Naxsi when installing Nginx), by defaults rules will be placed in your /usr/local/etc/nginx folder.

You can start by trying Naxsi's Learning Mode, which does not block anything by default.

LearningMode; #Enables learning mode
DeniedUrl "/RequestDenied";

## check rules
CheckRule "$SQL >= 8" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$RFI >= 8" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$TRAVERSAL >= 4" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$EVADE >= 4" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$XSS >= 8" BLOCK;

Later, depends on your needs, to edit rules by default.
If you downloaded statistics web interface, you can check there hits statistics.
Hi @quintessence,

I did indeed tick the checkbox on Naxsi when installing Nginx.

Do I need to create a new .rule file with this content in it?

LearningMode; #Enables learning mode
DeniedUrl "/RequestDenied";

## check rules
CheckRule "$SQL >= 8" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$RFI >= 8" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$TRAVERSAL >= 4" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$EVADE >= 4" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$XSS >= 8" BLOCK;
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This is an example to start Naxsi in learning mode from its documentation.

For example:

http {
include /usr/local/etc/nginx/naxsi_core.rules;

[cmd]cat /usr/local/etc/nginx/naxsi_core.rules;[/cmd]
## INTERNAL RULES IDS:1-10      ##
#weird_request : 1
#big_body : 2
#no_content_type : 3

#@MainRule "msg:weird/incorrect request" id:1;
#@MainRule "msg:big request, unparsed" id:2;
#@MainRule "msg:uncommon hex encoding (%00 etc.)" id:10;
#@MainRule "msg:uncommon/empty content-type in POST" id:11;
#@MainRule "msg:uncommon/malformed URL" id:12;

#MainRule "str:123FREETEXT" "msg:exemple learning test pattern"  "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:BLOCK" id:0;

## SQL Injections IDs:1000-1099 ##
MainRule "rx:select|union|update|delete|insert|table|from|ascii|hex|unhex|drop" "msg:sql keywords" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:4" id:1000;
MainRule "str:\"" "msg:double quote" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:8,$XSS:8" id:1001;
MainRule "str:0x" "msg:0x, possible hex encoding" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:2" id:1002;
## Hardcore rules
MainRule "str:/*" "msg:mysql comment (/*)" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:8" id:1003;
MainRule "str:*/" "msg:mysql comment (*/)" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:8" id:1004;
MainRule "str:|" "msg:mysql keyword (|)"  "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:8" id:1005;
MainRule "str:&&" "msg:mysql keyword (&&)" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:8" id:1006;
## end of hardcore rules
MainRule "str:--" "msg:mysql comment (--)" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:4" id:1007;
MainRule "str:;" "msg:; in stuff" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS" "s:$SQL:4,$XSS:8" id:1008;
MainRule "str:=" "msg:equal in var, probable sql/xss" "mz:ARGS|BODY" "s:$SQL:2" id:1009;
MainRule "str:(" "msg:parenthesis, probable sql/xss" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:4,$XSS:8" id:1010;
MainRule "str:)" "msg:parenthesis, probable sql/xss" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:4,$XSS:8" id:1011;
MainRule "str:'" "msg:simple quote" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:4,$XSS:8" id:1013;
MainRule "str:," "msg:, in stuff" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:4" id:1015;
MainRule "str:#" "msg:mysql comment (#)" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$SQL:4" id:1016;

## OBVIOUS RFI IDs:1100-1199 ##
MainRule "str:http://" "msg:http:// scheme" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$RFI:8" id:1100;
MainRule "str:https://" "msg:https:// scheme" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$RFI:8" id:1101;
MainRule "str:ftp://" "msg:ftp:// scheme" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$RFI:8" id:1102;
MainRule "str:php://" "msg:php:// scheme" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$RFI:8" id:1103;
MainRule "str:sftp://" "msg:sftp:// scheme" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$RFI:8" id:1104;
MainRule "str:zlib://" "msg:zlib:// scheme" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$RFI:8" id:1105;
MainRule "str:data://" "msg:data:// scheme" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$RFI:8" id:1106;
MainRule "str:glob://" "msg:glob:// scheme" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$RFI:8" id:1107;
MainRule "str:phar://" "msg:phar:// scheme" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$RFI:8" id:1108;
MainRule "str:file://" "msg:file:// scheme" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$RFI:8" id:1109;

## Directory traversal IDs:1200-1299 ##
MainRule "str:.." "msg:double dot" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$TRAVERSAL:4" id:1200;
MainRule "str:/etc/passwd" "msg:obvious probe" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$TRAVERSAL:4" id:1202;
MainRule "str:c:\\" "msg:obvious windows path" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$TRAVERSAL:4" id:1203;
MainRule "str:cmd.exe" "msg:obvious probe" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$TRAVERSAL:4" id:1204;
MainRule "str:\\" "msg:backslash" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$TRAVERSAL:4" id:1205;
#MainRule "str:/" "msg:slash in args" "mz:ARGS|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$TRAVERSAL:2" id:1206;

## Cross Site Scripting IDs:1300-1399 ##
MainRule "str:<" "msg:html open tag" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$XSS:8" id:1302;
MainRule "str:>" "msg:html close tag" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$XSS:8" id:1303;
MainRule "str:[" "msg:[, possible js" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$XSS:4" id:1310;
MainRule "str:]" "msg:], possible js" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$XSS:4" id:1311;
MainRule "str:~" "msg:~ character" "mz:BODY|URL|ARGS|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$XSS:4" id:1312;
MainRule "str:`"  "msg:grave accent !" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$XSS:8" id:1314;
MainRule "rx:%[2|3]."  "msg:double encoding !" "mz:ARGS|URL|BODY|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$XSS:8" id:1315;

## Evading tricks IDs: 1400-1500 ##
MainRule "str:&#" "msg: utf7/8 encoding" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$EVADE:4" id:1400;
MainRule "str:%U" "msg: M$ encoding" "mz:ARGS|BODY|URL|$HEADERS_VAR:Cookie" "s:$EVADE:4" id:1401;
MainRule negative "rx:multipart/form-data|application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "msg:Content is neither mulipart/x-www-form.." "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:Content-type" "s:$EVADE:4" id:1402;

## File uploads: 1500-1600 ##
MainRule "|.asp|.ht" "msg:asp/php file upload!" "mz:FILE_EXT" "s:$UPLOAD:8" id:1500;

[cmd]cat /usr/local/etc/nginx/naxsi.conf[/cmd]
DeniedUrl "/RequestDenied";

## check rules
CheckRule "$SQL >= 8" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$RFI >= 8" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$TRAVERSAL >= 4" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$EVADE >= 4" BLOCK;
CheckRule "$XSS >= 8" BLOCK;

Then, after placing info type for your error log in Nginx, you will start to receive entries from Naxsi in your error log, which you may want to use to gather statistics for the Naxsi's web interface.
Statistics are collected by ( For example you can place in your /etc/crontab:

*/30   *       *       *       *       root    /usr/local/bin/ -d _yoursite_ -i -l _your_nginx_error_log_with_info_ -H _path_to_the_web_interface_index.html;

Naxsi's web interface is not a part from the 3rd module, which you are enable when installing Nginx from ports, and you will need to manually download, configure, install and run.

I don't use database, so my nx_util.conf is a pretty simple:
