MYSQL Server consuming a lot


I'm facing a problem and I don't know how to solve it. The problem is that my MYSQL Server is consuming a lot, this is a line from TOP screen. I hope that you know the answer.

1245 mysql      95  44    0   511M   343M ucond  12   0:00 200.83% mysqld

The server is:
Processor: DUAL Xeon E5620 Processor 2.4Ghz 12MB Cache
Ram: 12 GB DDR3

Thank you in advance
Memory usage seems relatively small (mine eats about 4GB), while the WCPU field looks rather harsh.
You should check how many queries are being executed, and if any of them could be optimized (by using indexes or rewriting them).
Should also check if there's something hammering the server with connections, such as a script or website which makes a new connection for every request.