MySQL doesn't start

I messed something up in my FreeBSD Jail.

Now MySQL doesn't start anymore.

 cat /var/db/mysql/*.err
110814 19:20:53 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/db/mysql
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/plugin.frm' (errno: 13)
110814 19:20:53 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.
110814 19:20:53 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
110814 19:20:53 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
110814 19:20:53 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
110814 19:20:53 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
110814 19:20:53 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
InnoDB: The first specified data file ./ibdata1 did not exist:
InnoDB: a new database to be created!
110814 19:20:53  InnoDB: Setting file ./ibdata1 size to 10 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
110814 19:20:53  InnoDB: Log file ./ib_logfile0 did not exist: new to be created
InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile0 size to 5 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
110814 19:20:53  InnoDB: Log file ./ib_logfile1 did not exist: new to be created
InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile1 size to 5 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer not found: creating new
InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer created
InnoDB: 127 rollback segment(s) active.
InnoDB: Creating foreign key constraint system tables
InnoDB: Foreign key constraint system tables created
110814 19:20:54  InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start
110814 19:20:55 InnoDB: 1.1.8 started; log sequence number 0
110814 19:20:55 [ERROR] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: unknown option '--safe-show-database'
110814 19:20:55 [ERROR] Aborting

110814 19:20:55  InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
110814 19:20:56  InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 1595675
110814 19:20:56 [Note] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete

110814 19:20:56 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/db/mysql/ ended
110814 19:24:11 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/db/mysql
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/plugin.frm' (errno: 13)
110814 19:24:11 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.
110814 19:24:11 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
110814 19:24:11 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
110814 19:24:11 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
110814 19:24:11 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
110814 19:24:11 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
110814 19:24:11 InnoDB: highest supported file format is Barracuda.
110814 19:24:11  InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start
110814 19:24:12 InnoDB: 1.1.8 started; log sequence number 1595675
110814 19:24:12 [ERROR] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: unknown option '--safe-show-database'
110814 19:24:12 [ERROR] Aborting

110814 19:24:12  InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
110814 19:24:13  InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 1595675
110814 19:24:13 [Note] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete

110814 19:24:13 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/db/mysql/ ended
[root@famp /usr/local/etc/rc.d]# mysql_upgrade
Looking for 'mysql' as: mysql
Looking for 'mysqlcheck' as: mysqlcheck
Running 'mysqlcheck' with connection arguments: '--port=29912'
mysqlcheck: Got error: 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) when trying to connect
FATAL ERROR: Upgrade failed

First, check if /var/db/mysql is owned by mysql:mysql (do the same for the child dir's and files). If this is ok, try re-installing the tables (mysql_install_db).

I fixed the permissions for two child files (mysql, test).
Proplem still remains. When I try to
[root@famp /usr/local]# mysql_install_db
Installing MySQL system tables...
110814 22:56:18 [ERROR] ./libexec/mysqld: unknown option '--safe-show-database'
110814 22:56:18 [ERROR] Aborting

110814 22:56:18 [Note] ./libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete

Installation of system tables failed!  Examine the logs in
./data for more information.

You can try to start the mysqld daemon with:

    shell> ./libexec/mysqld --skip-grant &

and use the command line tool ./bin/mysql
to connect to the mysql database and look at the grant tables:

    shell> ./bin/mysql -u root mysql
    mysql> show tables

Try 'mysqld --help' if you have problems with paths.  Using --log
gives you a log in ./data that may be helpful.

Please consult the MySQL manual section
'Problems running mysql_install_db', and the manual section that
describes problems on your OS.  Another information source are the
MySQL email archives available at

Please check all of the above before mailing us!  And remember, if
you do mail us, you MUST use the ./bin/mysqlbug script!

[root@famp /usr/local]# ./libexec/mysqld --skip-grant &
[1] 77312
[root@famp /usr/local]# 110814 22:56:36 [ERROR] Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!

110814 22:56:36 [ERROR] Aborting

110814 22:56:36 [Note] ./libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete

Can you start the db now ? Did you try starting the db with
Also, if the
failed, did you try to start the db with --skip-grant-tables ?
jexec 3 /usr/local/bin/bash
[root@famp /]# mysqld_safe
110815 06:55:26 mysqld_safe Logging to '/usr/local/data/'.
110815 06:55:26 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/data
110815 06:55:26 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /usr/local/data/ ended
[root@famp /]# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server status
mysql is not running.
[root@famp /]# mysql_install_db

FATAL ERROR: Could not find ./bin/my_print_defaults

If you compiled from source, you need to run 'make install' to
copy the software into the correct location ready for operation.

If you are using a binary release, you must either be at the top
level of the extracted archive, or pass the --basedir option
pointing to that location.

[root@famp /]# mysql_install_db --skip-grant-tables

FATAL ERROR: Could not find ./bin/my_print_defaults

If you compiled from source, you need to run 'make install' to
copy the software into the correct location ready for operation.

If you are using a binary release, you must either be at the top
level of the extracted archive, or pass the --basedir option
pointing to that location.

[root@famp /]# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
110815 06:56:28 mysqld_safe Logging to '/usr/local/data/'.
110815 06:56:28 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/data
110815 06:56:28 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /usr/local/data/ ended
[root@famp /]# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server status
mysql is not running.
[root@famp /]#

How can I delete MySQL completly from the jail?
Mybe so I could solve - Make reinstall over ports doesn't helps.

The databases shouldn't be stored in /usr/local/. By default they are in /var/db/mysql/.

Please post the relevant MySQL entries from your /etc/rc.conf.
freebsd admin # jexec 3 /usr/local/bin/bash
[root@famp /]# mysql_install_db --base-dir=/usr/local

FATAL ERROR: Could not find ./bin/my_print_defaults

If you compiled from source, you need to run 'make install' to
copy the software into the correct location ready for operation.

If you are using a binary release, you must either be at the top
level of the extracted archive, or pass the --basedir option
pointing to that location.

[root@famp /]# cat /etc/rc.conf
defaultrouter="" #your host
network_interfaces="re0" #no inet devices
[root@famp /]#

No need to do anything. Just start MySQL:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start

[root@famp /]# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start
Starting mysql.
[root@famp /]# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server status
mysql is not running.
[root@famp /]#
Ok, do you have a my.cnf somewhere? Is so, remove it. It's not needed, not at first anyway.

Check the existence and permissions of:
root@intranetz:~#ll -d /var/db/mysql/
drwxr-xr-x  7 mysql  mysql  13 Aug 14 15:31 /var/db/mysql/

Then start it again but add a little extra information:
sh -x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start

Oh, and go into your jail with:
jexec <jid> su -
Not sure if it'll help but it should clear up any confusion regarding environment variables, userids, etc.
my.cnf removed

+ harvest_ethernet=YES
+ cron_enable=YES
+ cron_program=/usr/sbin/cron
+ cron_dst=YES
+ cron_flags=''
+ lpd_enable=NO
+ lpd_program=/usr/sbin/lpd
+ lpd_flags=''
+ nscd_enable=NO
+ chkprintcap_enable=NO
+ chkprintcap_flags=-d
+ dumpdev=NO
+ dumpdir=/var/crash
+ savecore_flags=''
+ crashinfo_enable=YES
+ crashinfo_program=/usr/sbin/crashinfo
+ quota_enable=NO
+ check_quotas=YES
+ quotaon_flags=-a
+ quotaoff_flags=-a
+ quotacheck_flags=-a
+ accounting_enable=NO
+ ibcs2_enable=NO
+ ibcs2_loaders=coff
+ sysvipc_enable=NO
+ linux_enable=NO
+ svr4_enable=NO
+ clear_tmp_enable=NO
+ clear_tmp_X=YES
+ ldconfig_insecure=NO
+ ldconfig_paths='/usr/lib/compat /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg'
+ ldconfig32_paths=/usr/lib32
+ ldconfig_paths_aout='/usr/lib/compat/aout /usr/local/lib/aout'
+ ldconfig_local_dirs=/usr/local/libdata/ldconfig
+ ldconfig_local32_dirs=/usr/local/libdata/ldconfig32
+ kern_securelevel_enable=NO
+ kern_securelevel=-1
+ update_motd=YES
+ entropy_file=/entropy
+ entropy_dir=/var/db/entropy
+ entropy_save_sz=2048
+ entropy_save_num=8
+ harvest_interrupt=YES
+ harvest_ethernet=YES

+ harvest_p_to_p=YES
+ dmesg_enable=YES
+ watchdogd_enable=NO
+ watchdogd_flags=''
+ devfs_rulesets='/etc/defaults/devfs.rules /etc/devfs.rules'
+ devfs_system_ruleset=''
+ devfs_set_rulesets=''
+ performance_cx_lowest=HIGH
+ performance_cpu_freq=NONE
+ economy_cx_lowest=HIGH
+ economy_cpu_freq=NONE
+ virecover_enable=YES
+ ugidfw_enable=NO
+ bsdextended_script=/etc/rc.bsdextended
+ newsyslog_enable=YES
+ newsyslog_flags=-CN
+ mixer_enable=YES
+ jail_enable=NO
+ jail_list=''
+ jail_set_hostname_allow=YES
+ jail_socket_unixiproute_only=YES
+ jail_sysvipc_allow=NO
+ [ -z '' ]
+ source_rc_confs_defined=yes
+ source_rc_confs
+ local i sourced_files
+ sourced_files=:/etc/rc.conf:
+ [ -r /etc/rc.conf ]
+ . /etc/rc.conf
+ defaultrouter=
+ network_interfaces=re0
+ apache22_enable=YES
+ apache22ssl_enable=YES
+ accf_http_ready=YES
+ mysql_enable=YES
+ sourced_files=:/etc/rc.conf::/etc/rc.conf.local:
+ [ -r /etc/rc.conf.local ]
+ _rc_conf_loaded=true
+ [ -f /etc/rc.conf.d/mysql ]
+ [ -n '' ]
+ eval echo '$mysql_enable_defval'
+ echo
+ _defval=''
+ [ -n '' ]
+ : YES
+ : NO
+ : /var/db/mysql
+ mysql_user=mysql
+ mysql_limits_args='-e -U mysql'
+ /bin/hostname
+ pidfile=/var/db/mysql/
+ command=/usr/sbin/daemon
+ command_args='-c -f /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/db/mysql --pid-file=/var/db/mysql/ '
+ procname=/usr/local/libexec/mysqld
+ start_precmd=mysql_prestart
+ start_postcmd=mysql_poststart
+ mysql_install_db=/usr/local/bin/mysql_install_db
+ mysql_install_db_args='--basedir=/usr/local --datadir=/var/db/mysql --force'
+ run_rc_command start
+ _return=0
+ rc_arg=start
+ [ -z mysql ]
+ shift 1
+ rc_extra_args=''
+ _rc_prefix=''
+ eval '_override_command=$mysql_program'
+ _override_command=''
+ command=/usr/sbin/daemon
+ _keywords='start stop restart rcvar '
+ rc_pid=''
+ _pidcmd=''
+ _procname=/usr/local/libexec/mysqld
+ [ -n /usr/local/libexec/mysqld ]
+ [ -n /var/db/mysql/ ]
+ _pidcmd='rc_pid=$(check_pidfile /var/db/mysql/ /usr/local/libexec/mysqld )'
+ [ -n 'rc_pid=$(check_pidfile /var/db/mysql/ /usr/local/libexec/mysqld )' ]
+ _keywords='start stop restart rcvar  status poll'
+ [ -z start ]
+ [ -n '' ]
+ eval 'rc_flags=$mysql_flags'
+ rc_flags=''
+ eval '_chdir=$mysql_chdir' '_chroot=$mysql_chroot' '_nice=$mysql_nice' '_user=$mysql_user' '_group=$mysql_group' '_groups=$mysql_groups'
+ _chdir='' _chroot='' _nice='' _user=mysql _group='' _groups=''
+ [ -n mysql ]
+ eval if [ -x /usr/bin/id '];' then /usr/bin/id '-un;' fi
+ [ -x /usr/bin/id ]
+ /usr/bin/id -un
+ [ mysql = root ]
+ eval 'rc_pid=$(check_pidfile' /var/db/mysql/ /usr/local/libexec/mysqld ')'
+ check_pidfile /var/db/mysql/ /usr/local/libexec/mysqld
+ _pidfile=/var/db/mysql/
+ _procname=/usr/local/libexec/mysqld
+ _interpreter=''
+ [ -z /var/db/mysql/ -o -z /usr/local/libexec/mysqld ]
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ ]
+ debug 'pid file (/var/db/mysql/ not readable.'
+ return
+ rc_pid=''
+ [ start != start ]
+ [ -n mysql_enable -a start != rcvar -a -z '' ]
+ checkyesno mysql_enable
+ eval '_value=$mysql_enable'
+ _value=YES
+ debug 'checkyesno: mysql_enable is set to YES.'
+ return 0
+ eval '_cmd=$start_cmd' '_precmd=$start_precmd' '_postcmd=$start_postcmd'
+ _cmd='' _precmd=mysql_prestart _postcmd=mysql_poststart
+ [ -n '' ]
+ [ -z '' -a -n '' ]
+ [ ! -x /usr/sbin/daemon ]
+ _run_rc_precmd
+ check_required_before start
+ local _f
+ return 0
+ [ -n mysql_prestart ]
+ debug 'run_rc_command: start_precmd: mysql_prestart '
+ eval 'mysql_prestart '
+ mysql_prestart
+ [ ! -d /var/db/mysql/mysql/. ]
+ checkyesno mysql_limits
+ eval '_value=$mysql_limits'
+ _value=NO
+ debug 'checkyesno: mysql_limits is set to NO.'
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ _return=0
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ check_required_after start
+ local _f _args
+ return 0
+ return 0
+ check_startmsgs
+ [ -n '' ]
+ return 0
+ echo 'Starting mysql.'
+ [ -n '' ]
+ _doit='/usr/sbin/daemon  -c -f /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/db/mysql --pid-file=/var/db/mysql/ '
+ [ -n mysql ]
+ _doit='su -m mysql -c '\''sh -c "/usr/sbin/daemon  -c -f /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/db/mysql --pid-file=/var/db/mysql/ "'\'
+ [ -n '' ]
+ _run_rc_doit 'su -m mysql -c '\''sh -c "/usr/sbin/daemon  -c -f /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/db/mysql --pid-file=/var/db/mysql/ "'\'
+ debug 'run_rc_command: doit: su -m mysql -c '\''sh -c "/usr/sbin/daemon  -c -f /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/db/mysql --pid-file=/var/db/mysql/ "'\'
+ eval 'su -m mysql -c '\''sh -c "/usr/sbin/daemon  -c -f /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/db/mysql --pid-file=/var/db/mysql/ "'\'
+ su -m mysql -c 'sh -c "/usr/sbin/daemon  -c -f /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/db/mysql --pid-file=/var/db/mysql/ "'
+ _return=0
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ return 0
+ _run_rc_postcmd
+ [ -n mysql_poststart ]
+ debug 'run_rc_command: start_postcmd: mysql_poststart '
+ eval 'mysql_poststart '
+ mysql_poststart
+ local timeout=15
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 15 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=14
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 14 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=13
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 13 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=12
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 12 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=11
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 11 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=10
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 10 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=9
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 9 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=8
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 8 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=7
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 7 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=6
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 6 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=5
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 5 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=4
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 4 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=3
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 3 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=2
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 2 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=1
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 1 -gt 0 ]
+ timeout=0
+ sleep 1
+ [ ! -f /var/db/mysql/ -a 0 -gt 0 ]
+ return 0
+ _return=0
+ return 0
+ return 0
[root@famp /]#
Everything in there looks good. If this is a brand new install try to remove the files in /var/db/mysql/. If there's nothing there it'll create all the necessary databases and such automatically.
[root@famp /]# rm -rf /var/db/mysql
[root@famp /]# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start
Starting mysql.
[root@famp /]# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server status
mysql is not running.
[root@famp /]#

I think its better to remove the complete jail.
Are there any hints?
Should I remove all jails and set them complete new?

bsus said:
I think its better to remove the complete jail.
Are there any hints?
Should I remove all jails and set them complete new?
I don't see any reason for this. But you might want to try to re-install mysql.
I tried this already...

I think that a "restore" would be the easiest way to solve this.
Also would I train setting up the AMP server again ;)