Solved My NTPD settings stop ssh logins

My goal was to enable NTP so this system could synchronize its clock with NTP servers, without allowing any other machines to connect to it as an NTP server.

I enabled nptd(8) in /etc/rc.conf and my /etc/ntp.conf looks like this:

server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
restrict -6 ::1
restrict default ignore
restrict -6 default ignore

Somehow this also prevents ssh logins that were working fine until I enabled ntpd(8).

I'm guessing my /etc/ntp.conf settings are wrong.. if someone could offer some corrections, that would be really helpful. :beer:

Settings looks fine. But even if you had screwed them up it would in no way prevent sshd(8) from working.
Settings looks fine. But even if you had screwed them up it would in no way prevent sshd(8) from working.

Thanks for the info - I know it's hard to believe, but enabling ntpd(8) prevents my being able to log in via ssh. Not sure if ntpd is hanging on startup or what. I'll dig some more and post again once I have a better sense of the cause.

Update- ntpd(8) is hanging startup, which is why I can't get in. It runs before sshd(8) and hangs the system. ntpd(8) starts up and the last text printed to the console is-
ntpd[554]: Listening on routing socket on fd #26 for interface updates
...and that's all she wrote, even after multiple reboots. :( Port 123 UDP is open.

Going to try openntpd instead and see where I get.
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