Solved MuseScore4 4.2.1 - App crashes when choosing sound device and has no sound output

Hello everyone,

I have a problem when it comes to playback sound output from Musescore. When I open the program and want to play the notes, there is no sound output. And when I choose a sound device inside "Edit"->"Settings"->"IO" and the buffer rate, the app crashes.

But when I open the Musescore on another profile (a clean profile which I made only for test purposes), the Musescore doesn't have any problem and plays the sound correctly (which is actually a workaround but requires me to change user permissions of every partiture and score which I created). And the software doesn't crash.

This makes me believe something inside the configuration on my user profile changed / got corrupted. But I can't pinpoint what. Either way, musescore including all of its dependencies was purged and reinstalled. The output of mscore -d points to some ALSA errors which I have not been able to search / troubleshoot.

Musescore was working from the beginning but after I was experimenting with the jackd, qjackctl and ardour (mainly I wanted to setup a simple recording setup with ardour and jack), I started to experience problems. I don't start musescore with admin privileges nor do I start it with jack server running.

Some basic diagnostics / troubleshooting below.

Hardware info:
Operating System: FreeBSD-14.1-RELEASE
KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.11
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.116.0
Qt Version: 5.15.14
Kernel Version: 14.1-RELEASE-p3 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Memory: 15.9 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: llvmpipe
Manufacturer: LENOVO
Product Name: 20BUS5XQ05
System Version: ThinkPad T450

Software info:
MuseScore4 4.2.1

My user is part of the groups: wheel, operator, video, audio, realtime. The other test user is also part of the same groups.

Output of cat /dev/sndstat:
Installed devices:
pcm0: <Intel Broadwell (HDMI/DP 8ch)> (play)
pcm1: <Realtek ALC292 (Analog 2.0+HP/2.0)> (play/rec) default
pcm2: <Realtek ALC292 (Internal Analog Mic)> (rec)
No devices installed from userspace.

kldstat shows:

Id Refs Address Size Name
1 207 0xffffffff80200000 1f370e8 kernel
2 1 0xffffffff82138000 b010 cuse.ko
3 1 0xffffffff82144000 27478 fusefs.ko
4 1 0xffffffff8216c000 5b30 sysctlinfo.ko
5 1 0xffffffff82172000 8618 acpi_ibm.ko
6 1 0xffffffff8217b000 6cd8 uplcom.ko
7 2 0xffffffff82182000 a088 ucom.ko
8 1 0xffffffff8218d000 a2e0 ng_ubt.ko
9 3 0xffffffff82198000 14018 ng_hci.ko
10 5 0xffffffff821ad000 4318 ng_bluetooth.ko
11 7 0xffffffff821b2000 16cc0 netgraph.ko
12 1 0xffffffff821c9000 5cd608 zfs.ko
13 1 0xffffffff82798000 77d8 cryptodev.ko
14 1 0xffffffff827a0000 9438 acpi_video.ko
15 1 0xffffffff827aa000 1c3f0 geom_eli.ko
16 1 0xffffffff8313c000 3560 fdescfs.ko
17 1 0xffffffff83140000 1b3920 i915kms.ko
18 2 0xffffffff832f4000 7c050 drm.ko
19 1 0xffffffff83371000 22b8 iic.ko
20 3 0xffffffff83374000 3080 linuxkpi_hdmi.ko
21 3 0xffffffff83378000 6350 dmabuf.ko
22 3 0xffffffff8337f000 3378 lindebugfs.ko
23 1 0xffffffff83383000 b360 ttm.ko
24 1 0xffffffff8338f000 2b60 mac_priority.ko
25 1 0xffffffff83392000 3390 acpi_wmi.ko
26 1 0xffffffff83396000 3250 ichsmb.ko
27 1 0xffffffff8339a000 2178 smbus.ko
28 1 0xffffffff8339d000 93260 if_iwlwifi.ko
29 1 0xffffffff83431000 17314 if_iwm.ko
30 1 0xffffffff83449000 2110 pchtherm.ko
31 1 0xffffffff8344c000 d200 rtsx.ko
32 1 0xffffffff8345a000 fd1c0 iwm7265Dfw.ko
33 1 0xffffffff83558000 30a80 linux.ko
34 4 0xffffffff83589000 c2a8 linux_common.ko
35 1 0xffffffff83596000 2de10 linux64.ko
36 1 0xffffffff835c4000 2278 pty.ko
37 1 0xffffffff835c7000 73c0 linprocfs.ko
38 1 0xffffffff835cf000 440c linsysfs.ko
39 1 0xffffffff835d4000 27450 ipfw.ko
40 1 0xffffffff835fc000 e268 ng_l2cap.ko
41 1 0xffffffff8360b000 1bf68 ng_btsocket.ko
42 1 0xffffffff83627000 38f8 ng_socket.ko
43 1 0xffffffff8362b000 4850 nullfs.ko
44 1 0xffffffff83630000 5be8 autofs.ko
45 1 0xffffffff83636000 2a68 mac_ntpd.ko
46 1 0xffffffff83639000 1aec0 ext2fs.ko
47 1 0xffffffff83654000 439c geom_linux_lvm.ko
48 2 0xffffffff83659000 e5b0 snd_uaudio.ko
49 1 0xffffffff83668000 24a8 snd_driver.ko
50 1 0xffffffff8366b000 3200 snd_als4000.ko
51 1 0xffffffff8366f000 41e8 snd_atiixp.ko
52 1 0xffffffff83674000 31f0 snd_cs4281.ko
53 1 0xffffffff83678000 5490 snd_envy24.ko
54 3 0xffffffff8367e000 2110 snd_spicds.ko
55 1 0xffffffff83681000 4670 snd_envy24ht.ko
56 1 0xffffffff83686000 2230 snd_fm801.ko
57 1 0xffffffff83689000 5508 snd_hdspe.ko
58 1 0xffffffff8368f000 7ce0 snd_maestro3.ko
59 1 0xffffffff83697000 f1d0 snd_neomagic.ko
60 1 0xffffffff836a7000 4230 snd_solo.ko
61 1 0xffffffff836ac000 3250 snd_t4dwave.ko
62 1 0xffffffff836b0000 31f0 snd_via82c686.ko
63 1 0xffffffff836b4000 4200 snd_vibes.ko

Attached are:
mscore -d output is attached (from the user profile where it doesn't work).
qjackctl log

Here is an uploaded video of how the situation looks like - one from the profile where it doesn't work and another from another profile where it works.

If you need anything more from my end (like my /etc/rc.conf, let me know.


  • qjackctl.txt
    91.6 KB · Views: 19
  • mscoreoutput.txt
    19.7 KB · Views: 18
You can remove snd_driver from loader.conf, you don't need it. It's a 'convenience' driver, it simply pulls in every available driver. It's only useful when trying to determine which driver to load. The ones it found (looking at sndstat) are already included with the GENERIC kernel. So you don't need to load these.
Marking this thread as [SOLVED]. Since my initial suspicions about this issue being only a single-user issue were correct, I decided to simply rename ~/.config/ardour, ~/.config/MuseScore, ~/.config/pulse, ~/.config/cadence, ~/.sndio, ~/.jackdrc, ~/.asoundrc. Gave every folder / file the suffix _old.

Relogged my user and this solved the issue. I don't know exactly which folder / file caused this mess, I just took a somewhat educated guess.

SirDice: thank you, I removed the snd_driver from my /boot/loader.conf

seems like ~/.asoundrc causes this issue. I had it reappear again. Will need to search for some suitable ALSA config because this one seems like it's autospawning.