Mounting hard disk as RW from Live CD

Hi everyone,

Our FreeBSD Citrix Netscaler VM running under Hyper-V is failing to boot, it returns
ACPI autoload failed - no such file or directory
and restarts itself continually in a loop.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but for this error, I need to edit device.hints in /boot and add
hint.acpi.0.disabled=1 # disable ACPI (i386 only)

I've downloaded FreeBSD-9.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso. Booted into single user mode to the # prompt.

I perform a
mount /mnt /dev/ada0s1
cd mnt
I can see the hard drive file system.

But when I try and do a ed or vi device.hints, the system returns
read only file system

How can I mount the offline hard disk as RW to edit device.hints?

Or is there another way to resolve this issue?

Thank you
Booted from an install disk and the hard disk is still read-only? That happens when it is marked dirty. Make a full backup. Or two. Then, if fsck(8) can repair the filesystem, it can be mounted read/write.

There is still the question of what caused the problem, possibly a failing drive. And a lot of things depend on ACPI, so disabling it is probably not a cure.
Booted from an install disk and the hard disk is still read-only? That happens when it is marked dirty. Make a full backup. Or two. Then, if fsck(8) can repair the filesystem, it can be mounted read/write.

There is still the question of what caused the problem, possibly a failing drive. And a lot of things depend on ACPI, so disabling it is probably not a cure.

Thank you for the reply - I've checked the Logical Drive array where the virtual disk is located and there are no errors. I'll try fsck and see if it produces any issues.
I'm sorry if I'm hijacking a thread, but I'm having a similar problem. I can't seem to mount a partition at all from the live media. It says that the filesystem is dirty. But, then again I don't remember if I tried to mount it read-only. I'll have to try that later. Is there any way to run fsck on an unmounted filesystem?

--- Edit ---

Okay, I am able to mount it read-only, but I cannot use fsck on it. Is that because I am using boot-only media (FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-amd64-mini-memstick.img)?
# mount -o ro /dev/ada0p2 /mnt
WARNING: /mnt was not properly dismounted
# fsck /mnt
fsck: Could not determine filesystem type
# fsck -t ufs2 /mnt
fsck: exec fsck_ufs2 for /dev/ada0p2 in /sbin:/usr/sbin: No suck file or directory
--- Edit ---

Oh, I'm sorry. I was using the wrong filesystem type. It should have been fsck -t ufs.

My problem is solved, thank you:
# mount -o ro /dev/ada0p2 /mnt
# fsck -t ufs /mnt
# umount /mnt
# mount /dev/ada0p2 /mnt
You don't need to mount the filesystem to be able to fsck(8) it. You can do it directly on the disk/partition: fsck /dev/ada0p2.
I'm sorry if I'm hijacking a thread, but I'm having a similar problem. I can't seem to mount a partition at all from the live media. It says that the filesystem is dirty. But, then again I don't remember if I tried to mount it read-only. I'll have to try that later. Is there any way to run fsck on an unmounted filesystem?

To mount the filesystem I had to use an earlier version of FreeBSD (8.1) and choose the 'fix it' option as per:

But the FreeBSD VM still wouldn't boot despite editing the /boot/loader.conf and disabling ACPI

The boot failure issue was resolved by restoring a backup of the VM 6 months previous.