mounting ext4 drive in 14.0

Hi all,

I have installed 14.0, seems to work fine. I do have one important issue. I am somehow not able to mount my ext4 backup drive

file -s /dev/da2p1
/dev/da2p1: Linux rev 1.0 ext4 filesystem data, UUID=ba92da11-05dd-4fbe-8395-305459cf6808 (needs journal recovery) (extents) (large files) (huge files)
tried with mount, with fuse, it all goes bananas. Anyone?
Says it all.
You need to put it in Linux and recover or delete the Journal.
The only way to use ext3/4 on FreeBSD is to disable Journal.
Otherwise FreeBSD corrupts it.
I will need to get a linux pc first. Thanks this far