Other mount_smbfs NAS with Minshall+French symlinks

There is a 10+ years old NAS with Samba, and when mounted with
mount_smbfs -I //admin@hdd/Download ~/hdd/
it works, can read and write/create files, but can not create symlinks.

In Linux, I used to mount it like this:
mount -t cifs // ~/hdd -o username=admin,vers=1.0,uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,mfsymlinks
or else it wouldn't allow symlinks creation when mounted in Linux either. The mfsymlinks option is to specify mount with Minshall+French symlinks capability.

I've searched the handbook, the forum, apropos, and couldn't find how to specify Minshall+French symlinks capability when mounting the NAS from FreeBSD.

Is it possible to mount the Samba NAS in FreeBSD and be able to create symlinks on it? How, or where to read about it, please?