Solved Mount and backup late

Hello, I have set to auto mount 3 network shares and 3 backup tasks, but if my computer starts before the shares it means that won't mount those 3 shares.
When the back up task starts what will happen? It will try to mount or it won't backup? In case that won't backup, do you have any idea of what could I do to set auto mount of those 3 shares if my PC starts first? Thanks.
If a filesystem in /etc/fstab fails to mount the system will refuse to boot and get stuck in single user mode until things are fixed. What exactly do you mean by "auto mount"? Is it autofs(5)/automount(8)? Those filesystems will be automatically mounted when accessed.
If a filesystem in /etc/fstab fails to mount the system will refuse to boot and get stuck in single user mode until things are fixed. What exactly do you mean by "auto mount"? Is it autofs(5)/automount(8)? Those filesystems will be automatically mounted when accessed.

I have some lines inside my /etc/fstab wich mounts a nfs shared of another server in my net. So what I am asking is what happens if my computer starts first and there is nothing to mount because the other server starts much more slow. And if it pass to login screen what happens when rsync starts? It will mount in that moment or it will fail?
I have some lines inside my /etc/fstab wich mounts a nfs shared of another server in my net. So what I am asking is what happens if my computer starts first and there is nothing to mount because the other server starts much more slow.
It will fail to boot and you will be stuck in single user mode.
You don't have to add anything to /etc/auto_master to make this work thanks to the -hosts special map. Just add autofs_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf, reboot, and then the share is automatically mounted when you access the /net/ directory.

There is also an example in auto_master(5) (look for auto_example) on how to do this without -hosts.
You don't have to add anything to /etc/auto_master to make this work thanks to the -hosts special map. Just add autofs_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf, reboot, and then the share is automatically mounted when you access the /net/ directory.

There is also an example in auto_master(5) (look for auto_example) on how to do this without -hosts.

I tried but it is not working, does not mount. I tried nfsv4 and nfsv3 but still fails.
WARNING: autofs_trigger_one: request for /mnt/jlan640/
completed with error 5
Its solved, the problem was that it does not "take" the long path, it worked with the first tree folder for example:
If your shared is in x.x.x.x:/mnt/home/home2it only takes this x.x.x.x:/mnt/
If you enter the full path it does not work, at least for me. Thanks.