modern "jobs"

To me the job interview was over.
I regret sending an application in the first place.
In that case, make sure the development department gets to know this.
That's what had happened in my case. And I was in listening range (as anyone in 100m radius) as the head of development realized why he only got duds for a job ad and those capable who had proof of having applied to it were thrown out by HR because of "reasons". That's when 6000 dollar lappels get grabbed and people get yelled at.

Avoid HR. They are not for you, they are there to protect the employer from things you might do to him.
It seems to me, though I haven't been job hunting in years, to be much like what wolffnx describes. I do get a bunch of emails, mostly from LinkedIn, sometimes from recruiters. I answered one that seemed interesting, and it went as far as giving my resume to the company, who then wrote back a very polite letter saying it wasn't what they wanted. As wolffnx says, it's almost impossible to avoid going through HR first. Might be different for the more skilled than myself, or, if you know someone at the company.

Crivens, I suspect one reason for our different experiences is that you are in Europe and I'm in NYC. (Also, probably in a lower position and smaller company than you are), and in NYC, there's probably a wider range of applicants). Or maybe just that different companies do it different ways and I was lucky in some cases.
scottro not 20 people, no HR and no BS. I work from home most of the time, and the other days I am very flexible when I do what. I could make a lot more in, f.e. SAP or such, but I consider the difference as price for freedom. I don't have to be at my desk every day at a fixed time and work even if I have no idea how to solve that problem at that time. I go for a walk, talk to the kids, .... and then come back. The decision to no longer sacrifice my (mental) health for my bank account was made a long time ago.
Avoid HR & psychology at all cost. They don"t even know what they are talking about. Later in the process they can asses you as a mental stable person.
They don't nothing about C or a shell.
I my case it where beautiful young women half my age. Life experience none.
[…] We feel people send out resumes like throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks. […]
I do that. 🕴️ When I was younger I put real effort into tailoring applications. The rejections (if any) affected my psyche negatively so much so I dreaded the thought of drafting another application. And the rejections do not state any helpful reasons, so you cannot improve your application either.

Today, I set a time limit of 1 hour net (i. e. it may be distributed across several days of a week), 1 hour from discovering an ad to logging the application in a spreadsheet document. 🤷‍♂️ A rejection does not bother me anymore: “I did not put too much effort in it anyway.”​
"Let's start with this question: why should we hire you as IT security expert?"
"Because I invited myself to this meeting."
, the "new" jobs agencies for name it some like this:
Since I'm not looking for a new job for over ten years I admit I don't really know how the current situation actually is.
But I am pretty convinced anyway it does not look like what you described is reality in every company,
which reads like those customers-keep-away-not-even-trying-to-fake-support-mechanisms-by-total-morons already captured employment process.
And that your best guess still is to get in contact with some real engineer within the departement the job is advertised for. (Sometimes some kind of "hacking" is needed, to get the right e-mail address, or phone-number. It's not a guarantee. Nothing is. There are none. But it's worth a try anyway.)

Naturally, if one has to feed a wife and kids, one has to take every job possibilty seriously, which means getting any short-termed job available; but still keep searching for better opportunities (which of course your employer must never smell the slightest idea of, unless you place him your resignation with the exact minimum period on the desk [there are headhunters, dealing with such things delicately, and are interested in you, when you have the expertise.])

On the other hand you also need to anticipate the future.
You may ask yourself if you want to work in such a company that already presents itself this way.
To me this smells very much like anybody with a couple of actively self-used brain cells really trying to do a dedicated job is sooner or later being dragged out in a straightjacket with foam on his mouth to an ambulance.
"Someday I will set this building on fire."

Frankly, there were times I actually considered seriously to throw it all away,
and completely restart by open up a bratwurst-stall.
Looking back I'm not completely convinced I made the right decision not to.
One may work more physically, but stay sane mentally - being your own boss is something very worthy when your are confronted again with some unaccountable bullshit managers came up with, managing managers, managing managers...
Also wages may even look better - a good made snacks-kiosk could be a real gold-mine.

I did not say "throw it all away, and get into bratwurst-business", but what I say is, there are always opportunities, and choices. If not, you didn't looked hard enough, because there are.
One shall not depend on to get into some bs-job in some nuthouse, which may lead one day one may kick the bucket instead of open-up a bratwurst-stand.
If you bend over, of course you're fu*cough*
Well, not if you are living in some kind of dictatorship.
Then you don't need to look for a job. You'll get one.
Then you need to look for "Vodka", likewise, or how to get the heck out of there.

Getting a job is pretty much like getting a girlfriend.
If you are single they don't even look at you with their arses.
Once you're in a relationship they want you all.
You need a job to get a job.
It's silly. But that's how it is.
Humans are not rational, logical-controlled beings.
They claim they are, but they are not.
They wish, they want, they are convinced they are, but at the same time avoid any effort, which would make the difference.
They spent more energy on to invent bs-prove of to be different from animals,
instead of educate themselves to actually discriminate from them.
They are apes,
driven by sex, envy, and greed, not by sense, self-reflection, and science.
Otherwise Kant had won two hundred years ago.
(Okay, time to log out, and get into bed.)
There is actually footage from a pen tester who was sitting in the CEO office when the door opens and the CEO and security chief came in complaining that the tester was half an hour late... Oi, what are you doing at me desk?!?
Some of the best jobs I ever had were gotten by making an innocent phone call.

"Hi. I was on vacation and didn't see your ad for the job till just now. Is it still available?"

That was usually met by a "Well, sure. Tell me about yourself," followed by an invite to come on in for an interview.

Some of the jobs I've gotten by just showing up as Woody Allen and probably someone else would say. One example is when I wanted to be a broadcast engineer but you needed to belong to the union to work in the bigger stations and make good money. I was always told that, if I called them up, they would just tell me they weren't taking anyone in and forget about it.

I called anyway. As luck would have it, the secretary, who would have told me to get lost, went to the restroom and the Business Manager answered the phone. He took a liking to me, invited me in, and the rest is history.
Once i had a job, i could easy get another job, strange.
Once i was fired no longer. Nobody and wanted me.
Stress, this was, put all your belongings this day in this bag, we will guide you to the exit with security. Without notice.
According to my wife this was my fault, Real reason, I.T. went to India.
Mental support none.

Once i had a wife wedding ring, and i could get other girlfriends.
I have currently no wife, but no other women is interested in me.
Like Bjork said, "there is no logic in human behavior".
Or Abba "the winner takes it all".

Am i dystopian ? Or realistic ?
Once i had a job, i could easy get another job, strange.
Once i was fired no longer. Nobody and wanted me.
Stress, this was, put all your belongings this day in this bag, we will guide you to the exit with security. Without notice.
According to my wife this was my fault, Real reason, I.T. went to India.
Mental support none.

Once i had a wife wedding ring, and i could get other girlfriends.
I have currently no wife, but no other women is interested in me.
Like Bjork said, "there is no logic in human behavior".
Or Abba "the winner takes it all".

Am i dystopian ? Or realistic ?
Call it the law of attraction or whatever you want to call it. If your bank account is full of money, you will attract more money.

I went to a talk by Michael Losier about 25 years ago. He spoke about this very thing. Success breeds more success. His point was that it's an attitude thing. It's kind of hard to have a wealthy attitude when the wallet is empty. His message was how to cultivate that attitude with an empty wallet. His talk was not about money but about success. He used the wallet paradigm to explain his point.
That was usually met by a "Well, sure. Tell me about yourself," followed by an invite
That's probably the best way.
Employees get the best jobs, employers the best employees this way.
I got my first usable job likewise.
Employed at another company on a visit while I was sitting together with the vendor I mentioned I had read the advert that very morning in the newspaper at breakfast in the hotel, and that I was exactly what they were looking for.
We had an inofficial, informal job interview right away - just to check if I'm capable for doing the job, and if we could work together etc, only, no HR-BS. I practically got the job this moment.
All the application, and resume rubbish was done afterwards as pure formality to satisfy the bureaucracy needs of staff department.

The art of how to manage life is to know when, how and how far to bend all the contradicting rules.
That's the heritage of christian civilization.
The moral measuring rod hangs too high, one cannot reach it.
So either you find a way to limbo under it legally, or you'll fail in some way.
The rules are willfully made the way you cannot win if you play by them.
To me it's a useless waste of resources made up by work refusers to mock and exploit decent working people, but it wasn't me who came up with this.
All you can do is to figure out how a game is really played.
There is no credit for exemplary playing by the rules, but for winning, only.

Example of another way to do it:
We created a fake delivery company to get a job