MOC player doesn't recognize Ogg files

Hello to all!

I installed mocp on my 10-RELEASE FreeBSD as a binary and found out that it doesn't even recognize ogg-files, although it should
(ogg support should be a default because when you install mocp using ports (which i tried first), ogg-file support is a default option).

It could be that there has to be some configuration to be done and i didn't see this. Has anybody a clue what has to be added to the installation or what went wrong?

Thank you very much for any help.
Did you set up your user configuration file? IIRC the example config file at /usr/share/doc/moc/ has to be copied to ~/.moc/config. You can then make your local edits to the configuration.
Thank you for your answer.

Did you set up your user configuration file?

I have no config file set up yet, so at the moment the default configuration is used. Is there an option that has to be set there for ogg-support?
It seems that my assumption that ogg works out of the box was false.
It seems that I have no example file. There is no directory
/usr/share/doc/moc/ .
May be this belongs not to the default installation.
BSDBernd said:
Is there an option that has to be set there for ogg-support?
I would not think so if Vorbis support was an installation default. Does pkg info -x vorbis show libvorbis is installed? It's been a while since I've used audio/moc ... can you post the default config file it is using?
BSDBernd said:
It seems that I have no example file. There is no directory /usr/share/doc/moc/. May be this belongs not to the default installation.
My bad. That should have been /usr/local/share/doc/moc/. According to the pkg-plist for audio/moc, it should be installed:
# cat pkg-plist
Thank you for your answers.
This is the file in question.

# This is a configuration file for the MOC player. It should be named 'config'
# and placed in directory ~/.moc/
# Comments begins with '#'.
# You can use quotes and escape ('\') in parameters

# Show file titles (title, author, album) instead of file names.
ReadTags		= yes

# Directory in which you store music files, if you specify it, you will be able
# to quickly go to this directory with the '-m' parameter or the 'm' command.
# This can also point to a playlist.
#MusicDir		= "/home/joe/music"

# How to sort? FileName is the only option for now.
Sort			= FileName

# Show errors in the streams, for example CRC errors or broken frames in mp3
# files
ShowStreamErrors	= no

# Ignore CRC errors in MP3 files. Most players do that, so the default value is
# set to yes.
Mp3IgnoreCRCErrors	= yes

# Turn on repeat.
Repeat			= no

# Turn on shuffle.
Shuffle			= no

# Turn on AutoNext
AutoNext		= yes

# Default FormatString
# %n - Track number
# %a - Artist
# %A - Album
# %t - Title
# %(X:TRUE:FALSE) - ternary expression - if X exists, do TRUE, otherwaise
#                   FALSE. '\' - escape character (must be double, because of 
#                   config interpreter). man zshmisc for more info.
FormatString		= "%(n:%n :)%(a:%a - :)%(t:%t:)%(A: \(%A\):)"

# Output buffer size in kilobytes. Minimum value is 128KB. */
OutputBuffer		= 2048

# Input buffer size in kilobytes. Minimum value is 32KB. */
InputBuffer		= 512

# How much to fill the input buffer before playing (in kilobytes)?
# This can't be more than InputBuffer value.
# Remember that for network streams beside the positive effect this also causes
# delay between what you can hear and what is broadcasted.
Prebuffering		= 64

# Use this HTTP proxy server for internet streams. If not set, the
# environmential variables http_proxy and ALL_PROXY will be used if present.
#HTTPProxy		= my_proxy:port

# Sound driver - OSS, ALSA, JACK, or null (only for debugging)
# You can enter more than one driver separated by a coma. The first working
# driver will be used.
SoundDriver		= JACK, ALSA, OSS

# Jack output settings
JackOutLeft		= "alsa_pcm:playback_1"
JackOutRight		= "alsa_pcm:playback_2"

# OSS output device
OSSDevice		= /dev/dsp

# OSS Mixer device
OSSMixerDevice		= /dev/mixer

# OSS Mixer channel: pcm or master
OSSMixerChannel		= pcm

# Second OSS Mixer channel: pcm or master
OSSMixerChannel2	= master

# ALSA mixer device
AlsaMixer 		= PCM

# Second ALSA mixer device
AlsaMixer2		= Master

# ALSA output device
AlsaDevice		= default

# Show files with dot at the beginning?
ShowHiddenFiles		= no

# Start in the music directory if no arguments are given. If set to no, start
# in the current directory.
StartInMusicDir		= no

# Hide file name extensions
HideFileExtension	= no

# Show file format in menu.
ShowFormat		= yes

# Show file time in menu. Possible options: yes, no, IfAvailable - show the
# time only when it was read before (often works faster)
ShowTime		= IfAvailable

# Theme file. This can be absolute path or relative to
# /usr/share/moc/themes/ (depends on installation prefix) or ~/.moc/themes/
# Theme			= example_theme

# The theme used when running on on xterm
# XTermTheme		= transparent-background

# MOC directory - where pid file, socket, and state files are stored.
# You can use ~ at the begining
# MOCDir		= ~/.moc

# Use mmap() to read files. mmap() is much slower on NFS.
UseMmap			= no

# Assume this encoding for ID3 version 1/1.1 tags (mp3 files). Unlike ID3v2
# UTF-8 is not used here and MOC can't guess how tags are encoded. Another
# solution is using librcc (see the next option). This option is ignored
# if UseRCC is set to yes.
#ID3v1TagsEncoding		= WINDOWS-1250

# Use librcc to fix ID3 version 1/1.1 tags encoding.
#UseRCC				= yes

# Remember the playlist after exit?
SavePlaylist		= yes

# When using more than one client (interface) at a time, do the share the
# playlist?
SyncPlaylist		= yes

# Choose a keymap file (relative to ~/.moc/ or absolute path)
# Example keymap with description is included (keymap.example).
#Keymap			= my_keymap

# Use ASCII characters instead of graphic for drawing lines. This helps on
# some terminals.
ASCIILines		= no

# FastDirs, these allow you jump directly to a directory, the key bindings are
# in the keymap file.
#Fastdir1 = /mp3/rock
#Fastdir2 = /mp3/electronic
#Fastdir3 = /mp3/rap
#Fastdir4 = /mp3/etc
#Fastdir5 = 
#Fastdir6 = 
#Fastdir7 = 
#Fastdir8 = 
#Fastdir9 = 
#Fastdir10 =

# How fast to seek? Number of seconds per key stroke.
#SeekTime		= 1

# How fast to seek (when using silent seeking)? Number of seconds per key
# stroke.
#SilentSeekTime		= 5

# Resample method to use. There are few methods of resampling sound supported
# by libresamplerate. The default is the fastest (linear). Better description
# is here:
# High quality (based on bandlimited interpolation), but slow methods:
# SincBestQuality - really slow (I know you probably have an xx GHz processor,
#			but it's not enough to not see this in the top output :)
#			The worst case Signal-to-Noise Ratio is 97dB.
# SincMediumQuality - much faster
# SincFastest - the fastest bandlimited interpolation
# Poor quality, but much faster methods:
# ZeroOrderHold - really poor quality, but it's really fast
# Linear - a bit better and a bit slower
#ResampleMethod		= Linear

# Always use this sample rate when opening the audio device (and resample the
# sound is necessary). When set to 0 the device is opened with the file's rate.
#ForceSampleRate	= 48000

# By default even if the sound card reports that it can output 24bit samples
# MOC converts 24bit PCM to 16bit. This option set to yes allows MOC to use
# 24bit output (for example MP3 decoder uses this format). This is disabled
# in the default configuration because there were reports that it prevents
# from playing MP3 files on some soundcards.
#Allow24bitOutput	= no

# Use realtime priority for output buffer thread. This will prevent gaps while
# playing even with heavy load. The user which runs MOC must have permissions
# to set such a priority. This could be dangerous, because it is possible that
# a bug in MOC will freeze your computer.
#UseRealtimePriority	= no

# Size of the in-memory cache for file tags in KB.
TagsCacheSize		= 256

# Number items in the playlist.
#PlaylistNumbering	= yes

# Main window layoutis can be configured. You can change the position and the
# size of the menus (directory and playlist). You have 3 layouts ant switch
# between then using the 'l' key (standard mapping). By default only 2 layouts
# are configured.
# The format is as folows:
# Each menu is described in format NAME:POSITION_X,POSITION_Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT
# NAME is directory or playlist
# Other parameters define position and size of the menu. They can be absolute
# numbers (like 10) or a percent value of the screen size (like 45%).
# WIDTH and HEIGHT can have value of FILL which means fill the screen from
# the menu's position to the border.
# Separate menu descriptions using a space.
# Menus may overlap.
# You must describe at least one menu (default is to fill the whole window).
# There must be at least one layout (Layout1) defined. Other can be empty ("").
# Examples:
# Just one layout, the directory will occupy the whole screen, the playlist
# will have 1/4 of the screen size and be positioned at lower right corner.
# Layout1 = "playlist:50%,50%,50%,50%"
# Layout2 = ""
# Layout3 = ""
# The scrren is split into two parts: playlist at the top and the directory
# menu at the bottom. Playlist will occupy 10 lines and the directory menu
# the rest.
# Layout1 = "playlist:0,0,100%,10 directory:0,10,100%,FILL"
# Default configuration:
# Layout1		= "directory:0,0,50%,100% playlist:50%,0,50%,100%"
# Layout2		= "directory:0,0,100%,100% playlist:0,0,100%,100%"
# Layout3		= ""

# When the song changes, should the menu be scrolled so that the currently
# played file is visible?
FollowPlayedFile	= yes

# What to do if the interface was started and something from the playlist is
# playing? If CanStartInPlaylist is set to "yes", the interface will switch to
# the playlist. When set to "no" it will start from the last directory.
CanStartInPlaylist	= yes

# Executing external commands (1 - 10) invoked with key commands (F1 - F10 by
# default).
# Some arguments are substituted befor executing:
# %f - file path
# %i - title made from tags
# Data from tags:
# %t - title
# %a - album
# %r - artist
# %n - track
# %m - time of the file (in seconds)
# Parameters above applys to the currently selected file. If you change them to
# capital letters, they are taken from the currently played file.
# Programms are run using execv(), not a shell, so you can't do things like
# redirecting the output to a file. The command string is split using blank
# characters as separators, the first element is the command to be executed
# and the rest are parameters, so if you use "echo Playing: %i" we run program
# echo (from $PATH) with 2 parameters: 'Playing:' string and the title. Even
# if the title contains spaces it's still one parameter and it's safe if it
# contains `rm -rf /`.
# Examples:
# ExecCommand1		= "cp %f /mnt/usb_drive"
# ExecCommand2		= "/home/joe/now_playing %i"

# Display the cursor in the line with the selected file. This can be usefu with
# a braille display.
# UseCursorSelection	= no

# Set the terminal title when running under xterm.
#SetXtermTitle		= yes

# Display full paths instead of just file names in the playlist.
#PlaylistFullPaths	= yes
Are libogg and libvorbis installed? You can check using the commands pkg info -x ogg and pkg info -x vorbis.
I can't recollect, does audio/moc have a log file that might provide some clues as to what is going wrong?
~/.moc/ would be a good place to start. I did not see any reference to a log file in the default config file.

EDIT: Just found this on the web site
MOC can create logs which are sometimes useful when reporting a bug. Just run MOC with --debug (or -D) option and two files will be created: mocp_server_log and mocp_server_log. Remember to shut down the server before doing this to get the server log (SHIFT-Q command or mocp -x).
Thank you so much for your reply.
Here are the results of playing a test file, named test.ogg, which did not even display in mocp:

Jan 26 18:47:03.400480: interface.c:1383 init_interface(): Starting MOC interface...
Jan 26 18:47:03.404861: utf8.c:302 utf8_init(): Using UTF8 output
Jan 26 18:47:03.420628: interface.c:439 update_mixer_name(): Mixer name: pcm
Jan 26 18:47:03.430814: interface.c:1259 get_server_playlist(): Getting the playlist...
Jan 26 18:47:03.432794: interface.c:857 recv_server_plist(): Asking server for the playlist from other client.
Jan 26 18:47:03.434383: interface.c:859 recv_server_plist(): Waiting for response
Jan 26 18:47:03.439083: interface.c:863 recv_server_plist(): There is no playlist
Jan 26 18:47:03.444240: interface.c:3196 dequeue_events(): Dequeuing events...
Jan 26 18:47:03.445710: interface.c:3203 dequeue_events(): done
Jan 26 18:47:04.481395: interface.c:3196 dequeue_events(): Dequeuing events...
Jan 26 18:47:04.483230: interface.c:3203 dequeue_events(): done
Jan 26 18:47:05.162152: interface.c:3312 interface_end(): Interface exited

(there are some errors)

Jan 26 18:47:03.375483: oss.c:58 open_dev(): Audio device opened
Jan 26 18:47:03.377708: oss.c:58 open_dev(): Audio device opened
Jan 26 18:47:03.379363: audio.c:850 print_output_capabilities(): Sound driver capabilities: channels 1 - 2, formats: 8-bit signed, 8-bit unsigned, 16-bit signed little-endian (native)
Jan 26 18:47:03.381415: tags_cache.c:538 tags_cache_load(): Loading tags cache from /home/bernd/.moc/tags_cache...
Jan 26 18:47:03.383350: tags_cache.c:653 tags_cache_load(): Loaded 0 items to the cache
Jan 26 18:47:03.386848: server.c:1215 server_loop(): MOC server started, pid: 1078
Jan 26 18:47:03.388486: server.c:1241 server_loop(): accept()ing connection...
Jan 26 18:47:03.389828: server.c:1249 server_loop(): Incoming connection
Jan 26 18:47:03.391399: tags_cache.c:453 tags_cache_clear_queue(): Cleared requests queue for client 0
Jan 26 18:47:03.381505: out_buf.c:66 read_thread(): entering output buffer thread
Jan 26 18:47:03.381524: tags_cache.c:297 reader_thread(): tags reader thread started
Jan 26 18:47:03.399620: tags_cache.c:319 reader_thread(): all queues empty, waiting
Jan 26 18:47:03.403214: server.c:848 gen_serial(): Generated serial 0 for client with fd 3
Jan 26 18:47:03.434346: server.c:639 get_client_plist(): Client with fd 3 requests the playlist.
Jan 26 18:47:03.436945: server.c:649 get_client_plist(): No clients with the playlist.
Jan 26 18:47:03.440975: server.c:1067 handle_command(): Request for events
Jan 26 18:47:05.161911: server.c:978 handle_command(): Exit request from the client
Jan 26 18:47:05.164606: server.c:1269 server_loop(): Exiting...
Jan 26 18:47:05.169416: protocol.c:103 send_int(): send() failed: Broken pipe
Jan 26 18:47:05.170785: tags_cache.c:453 tags_cache_clear_queue(): Cleared requests queue for client 0
Jan 26 18:47:05.172046: server.c:448 server_shutdown(): Server exiting...
Jan 26 18:47:05.173250: out_buf.c:132 read_thread(): exit
Jan 26 18:47:05.174817: out_buf.c:179 read_thread(): exiting
Jan 26 18:47:05.176274: out_buf.c:242 out_buf_destroy(): buffer destroyed
Jan 26 18:47:05.177590: player.c:335 precache_wait(): Precache thread is not running
Jan 26 18:47:05.188999: tags_cache.c:485 tags_cache_save(): Saving tags cache to /home/bernd/.moc/tags_cache...
Jan 26 18:47:05.190464: tags_cache.c:340 reader_thread(): exiting tags reader thread
Jan 26 18:47:05.192231: server.c:456 server_shutdown(): Server exited
The only thing that looks even remotely suspect to me are the following lines from the server log:
an 26 18:47:03.403214: server.c:848 gen_serial(): Generated serial 0 for client with fd 3
Jan 26 18:47:03.434346: server.c:639 get_client_plist(): Client with fd 3 requests the playlist.
Jan 26 18:47:03.436945: server.c:649 get_client_plist(): No clients with the playlist.
Jan 26 18:47:03.440975: server.c:1067 handle_command(): Request for events
Jan 26 18:47:05.161911: server.c:978 handle_command(): Exit request from the client
but they still do not give me a clue as to what's happening here since you are trying to play a single file, not a playlist. Quite frankly, I'm stumped.