Solved Misunderstanding with UPDATING entry 20141209

As far as there is only recommendation to:
  1. Please delete all remaining f10 ports/packages "
  2. Persistently update the Linux kernel version in /etc/sysctl.conf
  3. Reinstall all software depending on Linux emulation
I'm confused about step 3:
For example I had www/linux-f10-flashplugin11, after this updating I switched to www/linux-c6-flashplugin11 (according to Handbook).
What to do with all this:
% sudo pkg upgrade

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    linux-f10-xorg-libs: 7.4_1
    linux-f10-fontconfig: 2.6.0_1
    linux-f10-expat: 2.0.1_1
    linux_base-f10: 10_9
    linux-f10-pango: 1.28.3_1
    linux-f10-png: 1.2.37_2
    linux-f10-cairo: 1.8.0_3
    linux-f10-gtk2: 2.14.7_5
    linux-f10-tiff: 3.8.2
    linux-f10-jpeg: 6b
    linux-f10-atk: 1.24.0_1

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
    gcc-4.8.3_2 (needed shared library changed)
    slim-1.3.6_5 (options changed)
    virtualbox-ose-kmod-4.3.20 (options changed)

That's what I can't understand, how to detach my packages/ports from emulators/linux_base-f10?

Ok, I think I should wait. Thanks. Thread installing-adobe-flash-on-freebsd-10-1.49390

How should I know that the time comes to pkg upgrade without worrying about grabbing "useless" emulators/linux_base-f10?
Try this one. It helped me to switch to new linux-base port. Except that now one doesn't need to use the git part of it.
Thanks, I also tried this one couple weeks ago, faced some problems so just delete everything and portsnap fetch extract and start from the beginning. Want install net-im/skype4. I don't know how legitimate this one, so just continue using default tree.
...Want install net-im/skype4. I don't know how legitimate this one, so just continue using default tree.
What do you mean, "don't know how legitimate this one"?? As I mentioned, you don't need to use the
git clone
rsync -av --exclude=.git/ linux-ports/ /usr/ports/
part of it, because now linux-c6 is part of the default ports tree. Says /usr/ports/UPDATING:
  AFFECTS: users of emulators/linux_base-f10 and emulators/linux_base-c6

  The CentOS ports infrastructure has replaced Fedora 10 as default.

  1. Please delete all remaining f10 ports/packages:

  # pkg delete -f linux_base-f10 linux-f10-\*

  2. Persistently update the Linux kernel version in /etc/sysctl.conf:


  This step is necessary on all FreeBSD versions, apart from 11.0-CURRENT
  (after revision 271982).

  3. Reinstall all software depending on Linux emulation.
  As an example, reinstall linux-firefox:

  # portmaster -r linux-firefox
  # portupgrade -f www/linux-firefox
  # pkg install linux-firefox
Have you tried to follow these instructions as well?
I don't know how legitimate this one, so just continue using default tree.
This repository is managed by Johannes Meixner, one (if not the) FreeBSD port committer that has brought the new CentOS emulation. You can hardly get most “legitimate” than that. :rolleyes:
This repository is managed by Johannes Meixner, one (if not the) FreeBSD port committer that has brought the new CentOS emulation. You can hardly get most “legitimate” than that. :rolleyes:
Just for off topic: would you do such rsync for your production server? I mean, GitHub have lots of security grasp. There might be some security checks from official FreeBSD repositories before ports will be committed. I guess.
Sorry, I can’t answer: I don’t have a production server, I’m just a FreeBSD hobbyist. Nevertheless, I’d trust Mr. Meixner.
Sorry, I can’t answer: I don’t have a production server, I’m just a FreeBSD hobbyist. Nevertheless, I’d trust Mr. Meixner.
Ha, I do, but there I use OpenBSD on my server for certain reasons of my own (just thought it would be cool to use OpenBSD, the most secure OS, on my server, ha-ha). They discourage port compilation by users and offer ready packages instead (no, this is not why I'm using it ;)). Which is good, because it's quicker and these guys double and triple check everything. While with FreeBSD's ready packages from repositories I've had problems, so portmaster proves to be a better solution here.

Also, I have a good machine at home where I compile and test things, so then I install stuff on my working desktop machine in the office (which runs FreeBSD) as ready packages. So, no harm done at work.
And then finally, there are ZFS snapshots and you can roll back should the end-result be wrong.
This repository is managed by Johannes Meixner, one (if not the) FreeBSD port committer that has brought the new CentOS emulation. You can hardly get most “legitimate” than that. :rolleyes:

Yeah, that's my repo indeed, I've been using it to work on things before I had the chance to get it into the main ports tree.

Please note that this has been done (on September 22), upgraded to CentOS 6.6 (on November 11) and made as default Linux base (on December 12).

Bear in mind that the GitHub repo itself isn't up to date anymore - and hasn't been a while. I should probably either delete it or update it with what's in the ports tree.
As to Skype 4:

Microsoft decided to shut down most versions of Skype prior to 4.3. Now, here's the problem: in order to use 4.3 you need new system calls that aren't even committed to FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT yet, and it'll be a long while until we get any release that can include them.

You might be able to give net-im/skype or net-im/skype-devel a try, they might be sufficiently old to still work.

Could you please report back if they do (or don't)?
As to Skype 4:

Microsoft decided to shut down most versions of Skype prior to 4.3. Now, here's the problem: in order to use 4.3 you need new system calls that aren't even committed to FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT yet, and it'll be a long while until we get any release that can include them.

You might be able to give net-im/skype or net-im/skype-devel a try, they might be sufficiently old to still work.

Could you please report back if they do (or don't)?
On my old laptop (Dell D610) not working. I did't try on new one (Inspiron 15) but think it wouldn't also, because there is too much problem with old video driver, card rider, mouse detection and so on, so I think there is no chance for net-im/skype either.

P.S. and to be clear, there is no point to tell that I didn't trust xmj@, but I don't trust GitHub.