Yesterday I upgraded ftp/curl in my 10.3-RELEASE-p20 mail jail to version 7.56.0. Today I noticed there was no security or daily run mail from the mail jail this morning, so I restarted the jail. Since then I have been unable to start mail/milter-greylist.
I have tried rebooting the whole server and forcing a re-install of mail/milter-greylist but this has made no difference.
What should I do now?
root@mailijail:~ # service milter-greylist restart
miltergreylist not running?
Starting miltergreylist.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/milter-greylist: WARNING: failed to start miltergreylist
I have tried rebooting the whole server and forcing a re-install of mail/milter-greylist but this has made no difference.
What should I do now?