Making backups

How good are you about making backups of your data?

  • Poor: I live life on the edge and hope that I never make a mistake or have a hardware failure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I was hoping that the forums had the poll feature, but no problem, we can just type it out. :e

The question is: How good are you about making backups of your data?

- Excellent: everything is backed up regularly, and there are multiple copies. Some copies are kept off-site.

- Very good: most things are backed up regularly, and there are multiple copies.

- Good: the essentials are backed up, but there is only one copy.

- Fair: Some stuff gets backed up whenever I remember to.

- Poor: I live life on the edge and hope that I never make a typo on the command line or have a hardware failure.
We actually have a poll feature, but only mods and admins can add/edit ones :) I've added one for you.
It's Old Thread Sunday!

# tar -jcf /home/backups/hostname_date.tar.bz2 /etc /var

Don't have enough space right now to backup all the movies and music.
Ive been backing up just my /home and /etc with a daily rsync cronjob. After my last disk failure I decided I rather not waste time rebuilding a home system again. Using FreeBSD raid1.