I ran this command in /usr/src:
There was no error. This is the tail of the log:
Then I ran this other command:
I got these errors. Any idea?
make XDEV=arm XDEV_ARCH=armv6 xdev-build
There was no error. This is the tail of the log:
/libllvmx86info.a /usr/obj/armv6-freeb
-lz -lncursesw -
--- clang.debug ---
objcopy --only-keep-debug clang.full clang.debug
--- clang ---
objcopy --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink=clang.debug clang.full clang
Then I ran this other command:
make XDEV=arm XDEV_ARCH=armv6 xdev-install
I got these errors. Any idea?
--- xdev-install ---
`_xb-worldtmp' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`_xb-bootstrap-tools' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`_xb-bootstrap-tools' has .ORDER dependency against _xb-worldtmp
(made 0, flags 2009, type b010001)
`_xb-build-tools' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b410001)!
`_xb-build-tools' has .ORDER dependency against _xb-bootstrap-tools
(made 0, flags 2009, type b010001)
`_xb-cross-tools' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`_xb-cross-tools' has .ORDER dependency against _xb-build-tools
(made 0, flags 2009, type b410001)
`_xi-mtree' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`_xi-mtree' has .ORDER dependency against xdev-build (made 0, flags
3009, type 3010001)
`_xi-cross-tools' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`_xi-cross-tools' has .ORDER dependency against _xi-mtree (made 0,
flags 2009, type b010001)
`_xi-includes' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`_xi-includes' has .ORDER dependency against _xi-cross-tools (made
0, flags 2009, type b010001)
`_xi-libraries' was not built (made 0, flags 2009, type b010001)!
`_xi-libraries' has .ORDER dependency against _xi-includes (made 0,
flags 2009, type b010001)
*** [xdev-install] Error code 1
make: stopped in /usr/src
1 error
make: stopped in /usr/src
# svn info /usr/src
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /usr/src
URL: https://svn.freebsd.org/base/stable/11
Relative URL: ^/stable/11
Repository Root: https://svn.freebsd.org/base Repository UUID: ccf9f872-aa2e-dd11-9fc8-001c23d0bc1f
Revision: 304074
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: kib
Last Changed Rev: 304074
Last Changed Date: 2016-08-14 08:59:34 +0100 (Sun, 14 Aug 2016)