LXDE LXDE hangs on startup

I using LXDE as my Window manager. On startup I get a msg saying:-

Unable to look session information for process '1730'

The only thing I can do is power off.

Where to look for the cause?

Similar result when using TWM.

LXDE starts up OK on this system if I boot from a different disk.
What is your hardware information? Is this on a new install or you've changed some setting when it was working?

When the error shows does it allow you to login if not then login to single user mode and check the Xorg log file for further details, look the EE marker that shows the errors.
What is your hardware information? Is this on a new install or you've changed some setting when it was working?

When the error shows does it allow you to login if not then login to single user mode and check the Xorg log file for further details, look the EE marker that shows the errors.
This is on a Thinkpad X61. I normally login at the login prompt and then run startx manually. Will check X.org.log to see if it shows anything,

I am able start LXDE normally on the same system from a different installation.
I using LXDE as my Window manager. On startup I get a msg saying:-

Unable to look session information for process '1730'
few months later on the same computer, but with a different disk and a new installation of FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE

I get
The name org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit was not provided by
any service files

As per Thread 61540/post-435455

.xinitrc contains:

ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session startlxde
exec startlxde

I have a zero length /var/log/ConsoleKit/history file. Don't where else to look for the cause.

Any ideas anyone?

LXDE works normally most of the time on other systems. Can't see what's missing in this instance.