Lumina Desktop 0.8.0 Released

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Ken Moore

The first Qt5-based version of the Lumina desktop environment has just been released!

The source code for this release is available in the Lumina repository on GitHub, the FreeBSD port has been updated, and the new package is getting pushed out to the PC-BSD “Edge” repository here in the next couple days. Version 0.8.0 is mainly just an update to all the backend systems, but there are a few notable changes:

Updates for version 0.8.0:

- Uses Qt5 (tested with 5.2) instead of Qt4. This also brings in a new dependency on the XCB libraries.

- Uses the new QMultimedia framework instead of Phonon for playing multimedia files. This has much better results when playing audio/video files through the Insight file manager.

- New built-in single application framework for the Lumina project (no more external dependency for this, and it works on all OS’s).

- New task manager mode (no groups). This reproduces the traditional task manager functionality of one button per window, and it lists the window title for each button. For ease-of-use, this mode is treated as a distinct/new panel plugin through the Lumina configuration utility.

- The task manager “action” menu (right-click) now has many more options that are auto-generated based on the current window state.

- The lumina-open crash reporter for applications now provides details about the crash from the application (if any are available).

Bugs Fixed:

- New windows will no longer appear with the titlebar underneath a Lumina panel.

- Command-line inputs with special localized characters are now properly used.

- Large clean-up of recursive file operations in the file manager. (Better reporting and error detection, add ability to copy a directory into itself, make sure no files are missed during recursive operations).

- Detect when running in a VirtualBox VM (if OS is FreeBSD) and hide the screen brightness controls since these do not work in a VM.

- Clean up how the special “Exec=” field codes are handled for XDG desktop shortcuts (fixes the issues with starting various KDE applications like Okular).

- Various other small bugs fixed.

As always, please test it out and submit any bugs or feature requests through the PC-BSD bug tracker.


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