locale chars in xorg - firefox works, xterm doesn't

In ~/.login_conf I have
(because it seems I've read there is no support for UTF8 in console in FreeBSD?)

However in Xorg this is changed to .UTF8 from "locale" output. I've set keymap=danish.iso, font8x8, font8x14, font8x16. I have tried setxkbmap dk, I've tried changing the font for xterm with .Xdefaults:

*font: -misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1

Firefox works with € ÆØÅ and everything. Only xterm and rxvt do this.

Thanks in advance.
While this is still a cause for concern, I might add that bash doesn't fail - only csh. And what's even more weird. It's not csh, it's /bin/sh. When I use this with shell set to bash - again I can't print the characters "æøå"
The default font of xterm does not provide your country characters. You must change the font in $HOME/.Xresources or via an xterm command line parameter. Changing locale setting is just half work done.