Ubiquitous tracking, fingerprinting and surveillance are the pests of our days.
While defense against this threats become more and more difficult, new methods unveil that the problem gets worse than ever.
I like to point to a brand new research publication you might be interested in:
The team will present its results at the World Wide Web conference in Montreal on April 14. You may read their paper in advance:
While defense against this threats become more and more difficult, new methods unveil that the problem gets worse than ever.
I like to point to a brand new research publication you might be interested in:
Now, a team of computer science researchers at Columbia University and Google has identified new privacy concerns by demonstrating that geotagged posts on just two social media apps are enough to link accounts held by the same person.
Of the many digital traces we leave in daily life, location metadata may be the most revealing.
The team will present its results at the World Wide Web conference in Montreal on April 14. You may read their paper in advance: