light and nice video-player...

ffplay (from multimedia/ffmpeg)

mplayer is big mostly because ffmpeg libraries, liba52, libfaad, libdvd{read,nav,css}, etc. are statically linked in. If you replace them with shared libraries the size should be smaller.
Well considering I just reinstalled all of my ports, and then installed it last, and it only needed 2 dependencies after config that werent previously installed, Id consider it fairly light for a video player, and Im not running Gnome or anything real heavy...besides Pidgin and Firefox.

I dunno what you would find much lighter, that actually plays most formats,, and if youre running all QT, then maybe VLC might be an option.

If you already know so well, why did you ask? Do you also mean light on resources, or dependencies.
There is not so much video player
I would say mplayer for any kind of video and sound

But you should also consider to try xine , i used it a lot on Linux before switching to mplayer for every multimedia files.