not found


is there anybody that knows how could I re-install "".

for some reasons that I do not know I have deleted it by mistake. I have searched in the net but I have not found any clear suggestion on how I could reinstall it.

Does exist a package that contains this library ? if yes, which is its name?

I cannot continue in updatng my system since I have the following error all the time:"Shared object "" not found...."

thank you for your help ;)

It's probably because you didn't read /usr/ports/UPDATING before updating something.

AFFECTS: users of graphics/png

The PNG library has been updated to version 1.4.1. Please rebuild all
ports that depend on it.

If you use portmaster: make sure you update to portmaster version 2.20 or
newer, then do:

portmaster -r png-

If you use portupgrade:

portupgrade -fr graphics/png

thank you very much.

I'm sorry for my stupid question but my experience in BSD (and linux/unix in general) is quite recent (since december 2009). Therefore I understood with your post that UPDATING was a tex file that I should read before updating!!!!

Anyway the up-cited file is not clear at all. I have followed the instructions that are there and the result after the first 30 minutes was that consoles crashed ad I was forced to re-install the freeBSD OS another time!!!

I think that it is quite normal but for sure there is a sort "language" that I have not learned/understod yet.

I hope to learn something after the 20th re-installation of my OS. :)

thank you again for your suggestion!

Re. to DutchDaemon

.... at each reinstallation I discover a new paragraph.....

.... if I consider a paragraph per installation run ... I hope that I'll have fully red it at next 200th installation!!

I had the same issue and I did this....

Hello....please read this, may be it is a help for you.

* After trying to install Abiword, I have found a problem with libpng.

This is the first error I have encountered:

/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by kdeinit.

I have found the file in the site "Filewatcher", and put it in /usr/local/lib.

After typing startx again, the second error was:

/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by

Again, from the same site I have downloaded, and put it in /usr/local/lib.

startx again, the third error was:

/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by

I've got it from Filewatcher too, and put it in /usr/local/lib

After that, startx run good again.
It's dangerous to install binaries supplied by an untrusted web site (note the subtle understatement here). The problem is that you have installed new software that needs newer libraries without upgrading those libraries. You can fix that by following /usr/ports/UPDATING, updating your ports, and using ports instead of packages. Also, sysutils/bsdadminscripts has both pkg_libchk(1) and pkg_upgrade(1).
You are right about that...

Hello again wblock:

It is right that you explain...I have had a few other problems like those I related, and I solved them by mean of symbolic links pointing to new libraries upgraded than replaced the missed one.
