Solved laptop touchpad

Hi All !

I'm now working on a laptop running FreeBSD 12.1 !
But there are still some errors I didn't manage to resolve...

And one of them is to be able to scroll with two-fingers using my touchpad.

- x86-input-libinput has been installed
- kern.evdev.rcpt_mask=12 has been added to sysctl.conf
- libinput driver is loaded by Xorg

Here my touchpad.conf :

Section "InputClass"
     Identifier "touchpad"
     MatchIsTouchpad "on"
     MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
     Driver "libinput"
     Option "ClickMethod" "clickfinger"
     Option "NaturalScrolling" "on"
     Option "ScrollMethod" "twofinger"
     Option "Tapping" "off"

But still not working, do i miss something ?
In loader.conf(5), you already have
In rc.conf(5), I have
moused_flags="-a 1.5 -A 1.5,2 -VH -L 3 -U 3 -l 2"
What's important is "-l 2" so that Xorg's touchpad driver get's all the extended bits it needs.
touchpad.conf is not needed in /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d at all. It gets detected automagically, and can comfortably be configured in KDE systemsettings.
In sysctl.conf(5), you certainly want
EDIT: pkg info xf86-input-synaptics tells if you have the synaptics driver installed.
Hi !

There is something i'm misunderstanding, when i'm read the documentation i have to use synaptics driver but when i checked on the web a lot of users are using libinput and seems to be more recent than synaptics.
I have both installed but which one i have to put on my touchpad.conf ? (but okay if i need to get ride of it..i guess this is no so important..)

When i checked devive with libinput list-devices there is no PS/2 Synaptics touchpads only PS/2 mouse but maybe is related to the driver i'm using in the touchpad.conf.

and what's the difference between kern.evdev.rcpt_mask=6 and kern.evdev.rcpt_mask=12 ?
again there is a lot of users using both but without any explanation...

Anyway, im gonna try your solution this evening! thanks !
I also have x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput & x11/libinput installed, they were pulled in automagically. These are generic driver/library. Still, if you want to use the advanced features of the touchpad, AFAIK you need a driver that understands the extended touchpad's protocol, i.e. x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics. Beware not all touchpads are Synaptics, though, so maybe the generic libinput understands a generic touchpad communication protocol (but I'm not aware there is one, and maybe I missed that libinput understands the extended synaptics touchpad protocol). By default, the touchpad behaves like a PS/2 mouse. I.e. you can use a restricted subset of it's functions by using any PS/2 mouse driver. It must be explicitely set to send data in the extended protocol instead of PS/2 protocol. That's why I recommended to use level 2 applied to moused(8). RTFM psm(4), moused(8), synaptics(4) & sysctl -d kern.evdev.rcpt_mask. dec(6)=bin(0110), dec(12)=bin(1100) and the bits are numbered 3210. So it bit 2 is not set, the data sent by the synaptics driver (e.g. when you configure it via a graphical tool) will not be received by the touchpad. I guess some set bit 3 to be able to switch a keyboard LED on/off via software? I do not have such, thus I don't care. You can add to the alias section of /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf
  message: "query '[%C/%n] %M'",
  rmessage: query -i "[%C/%n-%v] %M",
and read pkg message x11-servers/xwayland. It's a good idea to read through all pkg message|less, anyway...
I have finally succeeded to make it work !
And i'm not sure but it was because my keyboard configuration was using a different driver instead of "libinput"...
Anyway, thanks mjollnir for your details and to make me read carefully all the documentation ;)