Solved Kernel/userland mismatch version

On my system things are very OK: kernel 11.1-RELEASE-p2 userland 11.1-RELEASE-p2; the update method was from sources as I always do.
On a Vbox install I updated the system through freebsd-update but the kernel is 11.1-RELEASE-p1 and the userland is 11.1-RELEASE-p2. Why? The whole system is up to date and the src directory also contain the last scources so why freebsd-update doesn't update the kernel too?
It's the first time I'm having this problem and the handbook didn't mention anything about this.

Thank you for any advices and indications!
If kernel itself is not affected by update, it reports incorrect (old) patch level. Probably, the first system uses custom kernel and the second stock one. freebsd-version(1) exists to report correct version. It was a pain to keep jails in sync before 10.0
Both systems are using stock (GENERIC) kernel, only the update method differ. On live system the update is from sources and on Vbox is through freebsd-update.

freebsd-version -ku                                                                                                         

freebsd-version -ku                                                                                                                    
The version number and patch level are embedded during the build, so if you update from source it'll reflect the version at build time.

freebsd-update installs a bunch of binary patches, but there was no change in the kernel between p1 and p2 so it wasn't rebuilt and no patch was provided.