kde-workspace-4.11.9 requires modern libGL. Please, set WITH

Re: kde-workspace-4.11.9 requires modern libGL. Please, set

You can avoid this by doing this:

echo 'WITH_NEW_XORG="YES"' >> /etc/make.conf

but be aware this is going to basically mean reinstalling xorg too, so be sure to copy with that by running "make reinstall" in the x11/xorg port directory.
Re: kde-workspace-4.11.9 requires modern libGL. Please, set

Thanks for posting this, I just first tried FreeBSD yesterday. I learned how to rebuild the new xorg from ports by adding this to make.conf, very simple. I found some more info here:

If you use Intel graphics, you won't be able to use virtual terminals after you startx. Also Intel SNA doesn't work and gives me a blank screen, otherwise it works fine. I get similar performance to Linux and better than Windows graphic wise.
Re: kde-workspace-4.11.9 requires modern libGL. Please, set

radish said:
If you use Intel graphics, you won't be able to use virtual terminals after you startx.

Those wiki pages link to information about vt(4), a console driver which works with KMS graphics.