KDE Screenshots

lyuts said:
It's time to update KDE to KDE 3.5.10 =)

I'll upgrade my system when 7.1 comes out. I'm looking forward to that:-) Until then KDE 3.5.8 works for me:-)
pkg_add -r kde is the best way to install kde on this aging beast.
I've used ports before on this Plll 667 IBM 300PL to install KDE, but, that took days.
KDE4.1.1, on 8-CURRENT. It all works surprisingly well, too - the only problem I have is that the nvidia driver and/or kwin4 aren't entirely stable if I turn compositing on and off a few times.

I might have to get around to changing from the stock desktop image, but the Web window decoration and solaris/CDE color scheme is there to stay. ;)
Djn said:
KDE4.1.1, on 8-CURRENT. It all works surprisingly well, too - the only problem I have is that the nvidia driver and/or kwin4 aren't entirely stable if I turn compositing on and off a few times.

I might have to get around to changing from the stock desktop image, but the Web window decoration and solaris/CDE color scheme is there to stay. ;)

Cool. Thanks for that. :-) I'm guessing that FreeBSD 7.1 will have KDE 3.5.9?
3.5.10 is already in the ports tree, actually.There seems to be packages of it on the ftp server as well, so I assume it's ready for 7.1. Alternatively, you could try to update ports and portupgrade -rRPP kde3 and see what happens ...

4.1 is actually in ports as well now, as x11/kde4 . It installs to /usr/local/kde4/ (with the binaries in kde4/bin/ , etc), so you can test it without overwriting kde3.
Djn said:
3.5.10 is already in the ports tree, actually.There seems to be packages of it on the ftp server as well, so I assume it's ready for 7.1. Alternatively, you could try to update ports and portupgrade -rRPP kde3 and see what happens ...

4.1 is actually in ports as well now, as x11/kde4 . It installs to /usr/local/kde4/ (with the binaries in kde4/bin/ , etc), so you can test it without overwriting kde3.

Interesting. :-) Thanks for the tip. :-)
hitest said:
Thanks for the reply! I wonder if pkg_add -r kde will pull down KDE 3.5.10 or KDE 4.2.2.
I wonder, is KDE 3.5.10 the default for FreeBSD 7.2?

As I red no more, default would be KDE 4. Sad IMO.
There is no default desktop for FreeBSD, and hopefully there never will be. You may install whichever desktop you wish, at your choice. I expect both KDE versions to coexist in ports for the next couple of years, depending on the manpower available to the FreeBSD/KDE team.

What gets included on the install DVD should not be interpreted as a default.
Brandybuck said:
I expect both KDE versions to coexist in ports for the next couple of years, depending on the manpower available to the FreeBSD/KDE team.

Thanks for the post.
I've got an older computer, a Celeron 850 MHz with 768 MB RAM. I usually use pkg_add to install software on the unit. Compiling KDE takes days on this unit. So KDE3 will be available as a package for FreeBSD 7.2. Good to know. :)
underground_fbsd said:
That's really nice, one of the best I have seen. It is hard to believe you got that to run with such little ram.
A wallpaper and icon theme was from kde-look.org as I remember. Really it was installed a year or so ago on a Pentium M 1.86GHz laptop with 1 Gb RAM, but since then I have that notebook no more, so have just put a HDD into another one and look it works just good.

Your system also look nice.-))