lyuts said:It's time to update KDE to KDE 3.5.10 =)
Djn said:KDE4.1.1, on 8-CURRENT. It all works surprisingly well, too - the only problem I have is that the nvidia driver and/or kwin4 aren't entirely stable if I turn compositing on and off a few times.
I might have to get around to changing from the stock desktop image, but the Web window decoration and solaris/CDE color scheme is there to stay.![]()
Djn said:3.5.10 is already in the ports tree, actually.There seems to be packages of it on the ftp server as well, so I assume it's ready for 7.1. Alternatively, you could try to update ports and portupgrade -rRPP kde3 and see what happens ...
4.1 is actually in ports as well now, as x11/kde4 . It installs to /usr/local/kde4/ (with the binaries in kde4/bin/ , etc), so you can test it without overwriting kde3.
Brandybuck said:Time for an update. Here is KDE 4.2.1 on FreeBSD 7.1-STABLE.
hitest said:Nice.
So I'm guessing FreeBSD 7.2 will be released in May. Does anyone know what version of KDE will be offered in 7.2 stable?
tangram said:Think so, according to there's a kde4-4.2.2.tbz package. Though it doesn't matter much because as soon as 7.2 is released the ports tree will be unfrozen.
hitest said:Thanks for the reply! I wonder if pkg_add -r kde will pull down KDE 3.5.10 or KDE 4.2.2.
I wonder, is KDE 3.5.10 the default for FreeBSD 7.2?
Brandybuck said:I expect both KDE versions to coexist in ports for the next couple of years, depending on the manpower available to the FreeBSD/KDE team.
Brandybuck said:Time for an update. Here is KDE 4.2.1 on FreeBSD 7.1-STABLE.
underground_fbsd said:Thats really nice ,one of the best i have seen it is hard to believe you got that to run with such little ram
A wallpaper and icon theme was from as I remember. Really it was installed a year or so ago on a Pentium M 1.86GHz laptop with 1 Gb RAM, but since then I have that notebook no more, so have just put a HDD into another one and look it works just good.underground_fbsd said:That's really nice, one of the best I have seen. It is hard to believe you got that to run with such little ram.