Solved KDE mount DVD and thumb drives

I'm having a terrible time getting KDE to mount DVD's and thumb drives. I've started over with a new install from ports with the default package settings. I have dbus, hald, and kdm4 enabled in rc.conf. I'm confused on what when wrong. I've never had to battle KDE to get it to function. in the past its always just worked. I'm running 11.1 release.

When I attempt to have dolphin mount a DVD or thumb drive I get "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy: no <-- (action, result)

I've scoured the web looking for a solution but most everything I find is from 10 years ago and does not seem to help. I've tried changes to /usr/local/ets/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf with no success. I've tried making rules with no success. The only change is adding a mount directory to /etc/fstab. If i add a directory and change the permisions I can get the DVD to mount. This works but I know that it is wrong. Does anybody have any idea what it takes mount a DVD or thumb drive in KDE??

Edit: My user belongs to wheel and operator.
I have USB drives mounting and unmounting in dolphin in KDE. The changes I made to my setup that seem relevant are the following:

[localrules=10] add path 'usb/*' mode 0660

devfs_system_ruleset="localrules" kde4_enable="YES" hald_enable="YES" dbus_enable="YES"

<match action=""> <return result="yes"/> </match> <match action=""> <return result="yes"/> </match>
This seemed to fix the problem. Thank you very much!!! The PolicyKit addition is much simpler than what I was trying. I'm guessing that is the difference.